插畫家 (Illustrator):Miroco Machiko
年份 (Year):1981-
國籍 (Country):日 (Japan)
Miroco Machiko 1981年出生在大阪,大學學習文學專業。曾當過木偶戲的編劇,後來發現自己對藝術和插圖有極大的興趣。她善於用強勁狂野的筆觸來繪製色彩造型迷人的作品,主題多是動物和植物類;作品包括有油畫,繪本和雕塑;2013年獲得日本最佳兒童繪本獎。
在日本是有名的愛貓家。在愛貓鐵三離開她之後,她出版了記錄與鐵三的生活日常的繪本《てつぞうはね》。 “(通過這個繪本)我想要傳達的是,生命並非戲劇性地,而是真誠地、自然地相互聯結在一起。”現在,她與一對黑白貓兄弟一同生活。
上圖為東京Isetan 和Miroco Machiko合作的聖誕櫥窗,故事背景來自神奇可愛的北歐薩米人。
某日在PINTEST上找資料時,無意間發現Miroco Machiko 的作品,之後就很快的喜歡上她筆下的動物們,那種停留在大家童年記憶中,我們也曾經熟悉的畫風/色彩,同時我留意到一件有趣的事:不知為何,喜歡畫動物的人通常不太喜歡畫人。
Miroco Machiko
Miroco Machiko is a self taught artist born in Osaka in 1981. While studying literature in university, she also worked as a scriptwriter for a puppet show and discovered her interest for art and illustration. Miroco's seemingly strong and wild brushstrokes create charming and whimsical pieces. Miroco's range of artworks includes painting, drawing & sculpture. In 2013 Miroco was awarded for the best illustration for children's book in Japan.
年份 (Year):1981-
國籍 (Country):日 (Japan)
Miroco Machiko 1981年出生在大阪,大學學習文學專業。曾當過木偶戲的編劇,後來發現自己對藝術和插圖有極大的興趣。她善於用強勁狂野的筆觸來繪製色彩造型迷人的作品,主題多是動物和植物類;作品包括有油畫,繪本和雕塑;2013年獲得日本最佳兒童繪本獎。
在日本是有名的愛貓家。在愛貓鐵三離開她之後,她出版了記錄與鐵三的生活日常的繪本《てつぞうはね》。 “(通過這個繪本)我想要傳達的是,生命並非戲劇性地,而是真誠地、自然地相互聯結在一起。”現在,她與一對黑白貓兄弟一同生活。
上圖為東京Isetan 和Miroco Machiko合作的聖誕櫥窗,故事背景來自神奇可愛的北歐薩米人。
某日在PINTEST上找資料時,無意間發現Miroco Machiko 的作品,之後就很快的喜歡上她筆下的動物們,那種停留在大家童年記憶中,我們也曾經熟悉的畫風/色彩,同時我留意到一件有趣的事:不知為何,喜歡畫動物的人通常不太喜歡畫人。
Miroco Machiko
Miroco Machiko is a self taught artist born in Osaka in 1981. While studying literature in university, she also worked as a scriptwriter for a puppet show and discovered her interest for art and illustration. Miroco's seemingly strong and wild brushstrokes create charming and whimsical pieces. Miroco's range of artworks includes painting, drawing & sculpture. In 2013 Miroco was awarded for the best illustration for children's book in Japan.
模型師 (Artist):森口修(Osamu Moriguchi)
年份 (Year):1965-
國籍 (Country):日本 (Japan)
官網連結 (official website)
原圖資料來自於森口修の猫 - Biglobe (source original from 森口修の猫 - Biglobe)
年份 (Year):1965-
國籍 (Country):日本 (Japan)
官網連結 (official website)
原圖資料來自於森口修の猫 - Biglobe (source original from 森口修の猫 - Biglobe)
文章最後更新時間: 2016/03/21
品牌 (Brand):Sideshow
年份 (Year):1994
產地 (Original):英 (UK)
Sideshow Collectibles (information from WIKI)
Sideshow Collectibles is a specialty manufacturer of movie, film, television and proprietary collectible figures, statues and high end pieces.
Featuring properties such as Star Wars, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, The Lord of the Rings, Disney, Predator, G.I. Joe and Indiana Jones, Sideshow artisans are sculptors, model makers, painters and costumers, whose combined efforts result in the creation of original designs and detailed likenesses of pop culture icons, including film and television monsters, villains, heroes, mystical creatures of fantasy, and legendary figures from history. Recognized as a quality manufacturer, Sideshow has been highlighted in national trade and specialty toy publications, where its collectible 12-inch figures and polystone statues have been awarded "Best of the Year."
Sideshow Collectibles is also the exclusive distributor of Hot Toys collectible figures in the United States, North and South America, Europe, Australia and throughout most Asian countries.
Sideshow Collectibles started out in 1994. They originally created toy prototypes for major toy companies such as Mattel, Galoob and Wild Planet. In 1999, Sideshow began marketing its own line of collectible and specialty products under the Sideshow brand, beginning with the Universal Classic Monsters 8" Action Figure license, which sold through Toys R Us and other mass market retailers. The company then began creating items in the sixth scale format that sold through specialty markets, at which time Sideshow switched their name from "toys" to "collectibles".
From 1933's original King Kong, to the recent popularity of the Jurassic Park films, and 'Walking with Dinosaurs,' dinos have long been an exciting part of pop culture. Find your favorite dinosaur replicas including T-Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus and more in our dinosaur figures series, as Sideshow’s artists bring new life to these prehistoric creatures of history and legend with museum-quality dinosaur models.
官網連結 (official website link)
品牌 (Brand):Sideshow
年份 (Year):1994
產地 (Original):英 (UK)
Sideshow Collectibles (information from WIKI)
Sideshow Collectibles is a specialty manufacturer of movie, film, television and proprietary collectible figures, statues and high end pieces.
Featuring properties such as Star Wars, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, The Lord of the Rings, Disney, Predator, G.I. Joe and Indiana Jones, Sideshow artisans are sculptors, model makers, painters and costumers, whose combined efforts result in the creation of original designs and detailed likenesses of pop culture icons, including film and television monsters, villains, heroes, mystical creatures of fantasy, and legendary figures from history. Recognized as a quality manufacturer, Sideshow has been highlighted in national trade and specialty toy publications, where its collectible 12-inch figures and polystone statues have been awarded "Best of the Year."
Sideshow Collectibles is also the exclusive distributor of Hot Toys collectible figures in the United States, North and South America, Europe, Australia and throughout most Asian countries.
Sideshow Collectibles started out in 1994. They originally created toy prototypes for major toy companies such as Mattel, Galoob and Wild Planet. In 1999, Sideshow began marketing its own line of collectible and specialty products under the Sideshow brand, beginning with the Universal Classic Monsters 8" Action Figure license, which sold through Toys R Us and other mass market retailers. The company then began creating items in the sixth scale format that sold through specialty markets, at which time Sideshow switched their name from "toys" to "collectibles".
From 1933's original King Kong, to the recent popularity of the Jurassic Park films, and 'Walking with Dinosaurs,' dinos have long been an exciting part of pop culture. Find your favorite dinosaur replicas including T-Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus and more in our dinosaur figures series, as Sideshow’s artists bring new life to these prehistoric creatures of history and legend with museum-quality dinosaur models.
官網連結 (official website link)
雕塑家 (Sculptor):Nick Mackman
年份 (Year):
國籍 (Country):英 (UK)
英國知名女性雕塑家,創作主題為野生動物,其作品已被廣泛展出並獲得諸多國際大獎,在製作模型時她往往會花上ㄧ整天的時間在動物園悉心觀察動物們的ㄧ舉ㄧ動,不像大多雕刻家偏愛以流線形或寫實風格創作,Nick Mackman的作品帶有強烈的複合媒材風格 (在視覺藝術領域中,是指一種混合運用多種材料的創作型式,重點不在於使用媒材的種類多少,而在媒材本身具有的美感與想像的訴求力量),結合了粗曠的陶土與粗毛,感覺煞是微妙,製作過程是將原型用粘土造型燒製硬化之後在其表面手塗上釉然後再次燒製,上色手法相當隨性自由!
Nick Mackman
Nick Mackman is an award winning sculptor of ceramic and bronze animal sculptures. She has been widely exhibited and in 2015 she won the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) Wildlife Artist of the Year competition. In 2012 she was Overall Runner-up and Go Wild category Winner. She won the Open category in 2010.
Her animal sculptures have found home with, amongst others, John Cleese, Dame Judi Dench, Chris Packham, David Shepherd and Vicountess Serena Linley. She has been commissioned by British Airways and the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition (pictured below with Sir David Attenborough). Her work is held in numerous private collections and is sold all over the world.
Nick’s animal sculptures are much sought after for their wonderful characterisation and individuality, reflecting the natural diversity of her subjects. She spends many hours studying animals in the wild, carefully observing their form, movement and behaviour.
This meticulous approach, combined with a life-long love of animals, enables her to create wonderful, living sculptures of striking intensity and personality. Many of her subjects are highly endangered and she actively supports the work of animal and nature conservation charities at home and abroad.
原圖資料來自於Nick Mackman Animal Sculpture (source original from Nick Mackman Animal Sculpture)
年份 (Year):
國籍 (Country):英 (UK)
英國知名女性雕塑家,創作主題為野生動物,其作品已被廣泛展出並獲得諸多國際大獎,在製作模型時她往往會花上ㄧ整天的時間在動物園悉心觀察動物們的ㄧ舉ㄧ動,不像大多雕刻家偏愛以流線形或寫實風格創作,Nick Mackman的作品帶有強烈的複合媒材風格 (在視覺藝術領域中,是指一種混合運用多種材料的創作型式,重點不在於使用媒材的種類多少,而在媒材本身具有的美感與想像的訴求力量),結合了粗曠的陶土與粗毛,感覺煞是微妙,製作過程是將原型用粘土造型燒製硬化之後在其表面手塗上釉然後再次燒製,上色手法相當隨性自由!
Nick Mackman
Nick Mackman is an award winning sculptor of ceramic and bronze animal sculptures. She has been widely exhibited and in 2015 she won the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) Wildlife Artist of the Year competition. In 2012 she was Overall Runner-up and Go Wild category Winner. She won the Open category in 2010.
Her animal sculptures have found home with, amongst others, John Cleese, Dame Judi Dench, Chris Packham, David Shepherd and Vicountess Serena Linley. She has been commissioned by British Airways and the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition (pictured below with Sir David Attenborough). Her work is held in numerous private collections and is sold all over the world.
Nick’s animal sculptures are much sought after for their wonderful characterisation and individuality, reflecting the natural diversity of her subjects. She spends many hours studying animals in the wild, carefully observing their form, movement and behaviour.
This meticulous approach, combined with a life-long love of animals, enables her to create wonderful, living sculptures of striking intensity and personality. Many of her subjects are highly endangered and she actively supports the work of animal and nature conservation charities at home and abroad.
原圖資料來自於Nick Mackman Animal Sculpture (source original from Nick Mackman Animal Sculpture)
雕塑家 (Sculptor):Rex Homan
年份 (Year):1940
國籍 (Country):紐 (New Zealand)
紐西蘭藝術家Rex Homan生於1940年。有毛利血統的他在20世紀60、70年代就成為了蜚聲國際的著名木雕藝術家。他的創作多表現各種鳥類為主,除此之外也有反映毛利人的作品。其作品受到太平洋多民族的文化影響,有著顯著的獨特形式和多變的線條感。曾榮獲“全國木技能”等多項國家大獎
Rex Homan
Rex Homan was born 1940 in Thames, New Zealand of Māori, Irish and Scottish ancestry. He lived in Auckland in his early years before moving to the Bay of Plenty. Rex has earned international recognition as a wood sculptor in the 1960s and 1970s and began working in bronze in the 1980s. His current work is influenced by the culture of the Pacific and displays uniqueness in its diversity of form and dramatic flow of lines. Rex has exhibited in solo, group and jury shows. He has won several national awards for “National Wood Skills” and is represented in corporate and private collections worldwide.
原圖資料來自於spiritwrestler.comt (source original from spiritwrestler.com)
年份 (Year):1940
國籍 (Country):紐 (New Zealand)
紐西蘭藝術家Rex Homan生於1940年。有毛利血統的他在20世紀60、70年代就成為了蜚聲國際的著名木雕藝術家。他的創作多表現各種鳥類為主,除此之外也有反映毛利人的作品。其作品受到太平洋多民族的文化影響,有著顯著的獨特形式和多變的線條感。曾榮獲“全國木技能”等多項國家大獎
Rex Homan
Rex Homan was born 1940 in Thames, New Zealand of Māori, Irish and Scottish ancestry. He lived in Auckland in his early years before moving to the Bay of Plenty. Rex has earned international recognition as a wood sculptor in the 1960s and 1970s and began working in bronze in the 1980s. His current work is influenced by the culture of the Pacific and displays uniqueness in its diversity of form and dramatic flow of lines. Rex has exhibited in solo, group and jury shows. He has won several national awards for “National Wood Skills” and is represented in corporate and private collections worldwide.
原圖資料來自於spiritwrestler.comt (source original from spiritwrestler.com)
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最後更新日期:2018/01/05 模型師 (Artist):Mr.Z 年份 (Year): 國籍 (Country):香港 (Hong Kong) 在以恐龍和貓科為主流的市場中,少數擅長製作犬科模型的工作室,他們的狼是目前我看過的GK中最寫實的,搭配12寸人偶,出...
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文章最後更新時間: 2015/06/03 品牌 (Brand):CollectA 年份 (Year): 產地 (Original):英 (總部設在香港, 母公司為Procon Asia) CollectA 的產品在台灣比較普遍, "石尚自然探索屋...
論壇(Animal figure forums)
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百度人文動物扭蛋吧/日系扭蛋動物模型(Baidu Gashapon Japanese capsule toy animal board, Chinese only)
百度rebor吧(英系恐龍模型) (Baidu Rebor board, Chinese only)
Schleich collector(Schleich模型蒐集者的公開社團)
怪獸屋 MONSTER HOUSE(恐龍,古生物及野生動物模型專賣店)
Collecta animal figurines(官方FB)
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百度人文動物扭蛋吧/日系扭蛋動物模型(Baidu Gashapon Japanese capsule toy animal board, Chinese only)
百度rebor吧(英系恐龍模型) (Baidu Rebor board, Chinese only)
Personal FB
Harriet Knibbs
獄鳥工作室(heiseyuniao studio)
個人網站(Personal website)
Harriet Knibbs
獄鳥工作室(heiseyuniao studio)
個人網站(Personal website)
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