模型師 (Artist):王瑞琳
年份 (Year):1985
國籍 (Country):中 (China)
王瑞琳1985年出生於遼寧鞍山,小時候見到徐悲鴻的《奔馬圖》很受感觸,之後就開始學習繪畫。 2010 年畢業創作《馬·戲》系列作為他個人的成長和生活經歷的敘述,對馬的雕塑創作延續至今。 2012 年開始,他又展開創作《逐夢記》系列作品,亦真亦假的世界漸漸帶給藝術家安詳和美好,通過作品舒緩的講述故事,讓藝術家找到了心靈的平衡。
Ruilin’s copper sculptures are the result of Eastern classical painting and imagery that’s been combined with past experiences. He recalls a life-changing incident when, at the age of 4 or 5, he encountered a painting of a horse by the artist Xu Beihong. He became obsessed with the vigorous animal and has ever since identified with it. The artist describes his creative process as digging deep into his heart and excavating “works that originally exist from various experiences.”
參考資料thisiscolossal.com/Wang Ruilin 王瑞琳on Behance
年份 (Year):1985
國籍 (Country):中 (China)
王瑞琳1985年出生於遼寧鞍山,小時候見到徐悲鴻的《奔馬圖》很受感觸,之後就開始學習繪畫。 2010 年畢業創作《馬·戲》系列作為他個人的成長和生活經歷的敘述,對馬的雕塑創作延續至今。 2012 年開始,他又展開創作《逐夢記》系列作品,亦真亦假的世界漸漸帶給藝術家安詳和美好,通過作品舒緩的講述故事,讓藝術家找到了心靈的平衡。
Ruilin’s copper sculptures are the result of Eastern classical painting and imagery that’s been combined with past experiences. He recalls a life-changing incident when, at the age of 4 or 5, he encountered a painting of a horse by the artist Xu Beihong. He became obsessed with the vigorous animal and has ever since identified with it. The artist describes his creative process as digging deep into his heart and excavating “works that originally exist from various experiences.”
參考資料thisiscolossal.com/Wang Ruilin 王瑞琳on Behance