31-33. 西門塔爾牛家族 (2009)

品牌 (Brand):Schleich
出品年份 (Release Year):2008-2012(此系列為舊版,已絕版)
產品編號 (Item Number):13640(公)/ 13641(母)/ 13642(仔)
尺寸 (Size):13.5cm x 8cm(公)/ 13.2cm x 7.8cm(母)/ 7.2cm x 3.5cm(仔)
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤(公)/ ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤(母)/ ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤(仔)
產地 (Original):德(DE)

牛族中的摔角選手,當初可說是為了搭配公牛才順道一起買了母牛和小牛 (笑),這款頂著一頭小捲毛的公牛做得非常棒,相較之下母牛的頭部層次就單調了點,粗壯的牛頸和肩部,表現出這種生物的強壯感,S家的牛類科模型無別家能出其左右。目前公牛已經不出產,市面上偶爾能看到。

西門塔爾牛原產於瑞士西部的阿爾卑斯山區,主要產地為西門塔爾平原和薩能平原。在法、德、奧等國邊鄰地區也有分佈。西門塔爾牛占瑞士全國牛只的50%、奧 地利占63%、前西德占39%,現已分佈到很多國家,成為世界上分佈最廣,數量最多的乳、肉、役兼用品種之一。阿爾卑斯山冰川融水,滋養著瑞士百立樂的純 淨牧場,生長出被譽為世界上最好的草料,而這裡的牧民又以平均十畝的牧場面積,僅餵養一頭瑞士良種的奶牛西門塔爾牛。

該牛毛色為黃白花或淡紅白花,頭、胸、腹下、四肢及尾帚多為白色,皮肢為粉紅色,頭較長,面寬;角較細而向外上方彎曲,尖端稍向上。頸長中等;體軀長,呈 圓筒狀,肌肉豐滿;前軀較後軀發育好,胸深,尻寬平,四肢結實,大腿肌肉發達;乳房發育好,成年公牛體重乎均為800~1200千克,母牛650~800千克。

Simmental cattle (information from wikipedia)
Simmental cattle are a versatile breed of cattle originating in the valley of the Simme River, in the Bernese Oberland of western Switzerland. Among the older and most widely distributed of all breeds of cattle in the world, and recorded since the Middle Ages, the Simmental breed has contributed to the creation of several other famous European breeds, including the Montbeliarde (France), the Razzeta d'Oropa (Italy), and the Fleckvieh (Germany).

The Simmental has historically been used for dairy and beef, and as draught animals. They are particularly renowned for the rapid growth of their young, if given sufficient feed. Simmentals provide more combined weaning gain (growth) and milk yield than any other breed.


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