73. 灰狼仔 (2014)

品牌 (Brand):Papo
出品年份 (Release Year):2014
產品編號 (Item Number):50162
尺寸 (Size):6 × 4cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤
產地 (Original):法(FR)


狼 (資料來自於維基百科)
狼 (學名:Canis lupus) ,或稱為灰狼,哺乳綱,犬科,DNA序列與基因研究顯示狼與家犬有共同的祖先,為現生犬科動物中體型最大的物種。狼這個物種曾是地球上分佈地區最廣的哺乳動物,包括北美和歐亞大陸,但如今在西歐、墨西哥與美國大部份地區已然絕跡。它們主要棲息在荒野或偏遠地區,但並不限於此。由於人類蓄意厭惡狼對豢養牲畜不顧一切的獵捕行為、以及害怕被狼攻擊的恐懼、棲息地大量的破壞,其棲息地已經縮減了三分之一。目前,狼主要分佈於亞洲、歐洲、北美和中東 (主要是北半球的溫帶區域) 。它們是生態系統原有的一部分,各地不同生態系統的多樣性,反映了狼這個物種的適應能力。這其中包括而不限於森林、沙漠、山地、寒帶草原、西伯利亞針葉林、草地。



Gray Wolf (information from wikipedia)
The gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus) is a canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America, Eurasia, and North Africa. It is the largest member of its family, with males averaging 43–45 kg (95–99 lb), and females 36–38.5 kg (79–85 lb). It is similar in general appearance and proportions to a German shepherd, or sled dog, but has a larger head, narrower chest, longer legs, straighter tail, and bigger paws. Its winter fur is long and bushy, and predominantly a mottled gray in colour, although nearly pure white, red, or brown to black also occur.Within the genus Canis, the gray wolf represents a more specialised and progressive form than its smaller cousins (the coyote and golden jackal), as demonstrated by its morphological adaptations to hunting large prey, its more gregarious nature, and its highly advanced expressive behavior. It is a social animal, travelling in nuclear families consisting of a mated pair, accompanied by the pair's adult offspring. The gray wolf is typically an apex predator throughout its range, with only humans and tigers posing a serious threat to it. It feeds primarily on large ungulates, though it also eats smaller animals, livestock, carrion, and garbage.

The gray wolf is a slender, powerfully built animal with a large, deeply descending ribcage and a sloping back. Its abdomen is pulled in, and its neck heavily muscled. Its limbs are long and robust, with comparatively small paws. The front paws have five toes each, while the back paws have four. The forelimbs are seemingly pressed into the chest, with the elbows pointed inward, and the feet outward, thus allowing both fore and hind limbs on the same side to swing in the same line. The wolf's legs are moderately longer than those of other canids. This enables the animal to move swiftly, and allows it to overcome the deep snow that covers most of its geographical range. Females tend to have narrower muzzles and foreheads, thinner necks, slightly shorter legs and less massive shoulders than males. Compared to its smaller cousins (the coyote and golden jackal), the gray wolf is larger and heavier, with a broader snout, shorter ears, a shorter torso and longer tail.



