品牌 (Brand):Kaiyodo (海洋堂)
系列 (Series):capsule Q Museum Japanese animal collection 2 - Okinawa Forest Amami rabbit (日本動物2 - 沖繩奄美/山原之森 - 奄美黑兔 / 琉球兔)
出品年份 (Release Year):2013
產品編號 (Item Number):
尺寸 (Size):
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤
產地 (Original):日(JP)
奄美黑兔 / 琉球兔 (資料來自於百度百科)
琉球兔(學名Pentalagus furnessi),又名奄美短耳兔,是一種只分佈奄美大島及德之島的原始兔。它們是亞洲大陸古代兔的遺族,故被稱為活化石。琉球兔的腳很短,身體粗壯,爪大及彎曲,是夜間活動的。它們的耳朵比其他的兔或野兔明顯的短小。它們棲息在森林,每胎只會生一隻幼兔。母兔會在地上挖穴供幼兔在日間躲藏。於晚上,母兔會打開穴的入口餵養幼兔,期後就會以植物或塵埃遮蓋穴。它們日間會在隱蔽的地方睡覺。它們也會發出叫聲,叫聲有點像鼠兔。
Amami rabbit (information from wikipedia)
The Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi; Amami: [ʔosaɡi]), or Amamino kuro usagi (アマミノクロウサギ 奄美野黒兔?, lit. "Amami wild black rabbit"), also known as the Ryukyu rabbit, is a primitive, dark-furred rabbit which is only found in Amami Ōshima and Toku-no-Shima, two small islands between southern Kyūshū and Okinawa in Kagoshima Prefecture (but actually closer to Okinawa) in Japan. Often called a living fossil, the Amami rabbit is a living remnant of ancient rabbits that once lived on the Asian mainland, where they died out, remaining only on the two small islands where they survive today.
Reeves's muntjac is also called the barking deer, known for its distinctive bark, though this name is also used for the other species of muntjacs. The male has short antlers, usually four inches or less, and uses them to push enemies off balance so he can wound them with his upper two inch canine teeth.
奄美黑兔 / 琉球兔 (資料來自於百度百科)
琉球兔(學名Pentalagus furnessi),又名奄美短耳兔,是一種只分佈奄美大島及德之島的原始兔。它們是亞洲大陸古代兔的遺族,故被稱為活化石。琉球兔的腳很短,身體粗壯,爪大及彎曲,是夜間活動的。它們的耳朵比其他的兔或野兔明顯的短小。它們棲息在森林,每胎只會生一隻幼兔。母兔會在地上挖穴供幼兔在日間躲藏。於晚上,母兔會打開穴的入口餵養幼兔,期後就會以植物或塵埃遮蓋穴。它們日間會在隱蔽的地方睡覺。它們也會發出叫聲,叫聲有點像鼠兔。
Amami rabbit (information from wikipedia)
The Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi; Amami: [ʔosaɡi]), or Amamino kuro usagi (アマミノクロウサギ 奄美野黒兔?, lit. "Amami wild black rabbit"), also known as the Ryukyu rabbit, is a primitive, dark-furred rabbit which is only found in Amami Ōshima and Toku-no-Shima, two small islands between southern Kyūshū and Okinawa in Kagoshima Prefecture (but actually closer to Okinawa) in Japan. Often called a living fossil, the Amami rabbit is a living remnant of ancient rabbits that once lived on the Asian mainland, where they died out, remaining only on the two small islands where they survive today.
Reeves's muntjac is also called the barking deer, known for its distinctive bark, though this name is also used for the other species of muntjacs. The male has short antlers, usually four inches or less, and uses them to push enemies off balance so he can wound them with his upper two inch canine teeth.