品牌 (Brand):Kaiyodo (海洋堂)
系列 (Series):Kaiyodo Michinoku Exhibition Bussan Figure - Japanese macaque / Snow monkey (東北陸奧物產展-日本獼猴)
出品年份 (Release Year):2005
產品編號 (Item Number):
尺寸 (Size):
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤
產地 (Original):日(JP)
海洋堂比較早期的作品(已絕版,網路上可找到少數商家販售),相當小巧玲瓏又精緻的一組雪猴母子,美中不足之處: 拿來和其他家的猿猴類做場景搭配還是太小了一點,殘念。
日本獼猴 (資料來自於維基百科)
日本獼猴(學名Macaca fuscata),也叫雪猴,是生活在日本北部的一種獼猴。它們是世界上生活地區最北的非人類靈長目動物。日本獼猴的毛色為灰褐色,臉部、四肢和下腹部為紅色,尾巴很短。日本獼猴可以在-15°C(5°F)的嚴酷環境中生存,這在靈長目動物中是非常少見的。為了能在這樣低溫的嚴酷環境中生存,日本獼猴進化出了集體泡溫泉的習性,但只有最高等級的雌性和幼崽才能入內。探索頻道的《地球變種》紀錄片攝製組拍攝到部分日本獼猴為了拾取溫泉底部的食物,會憋氣潛水1分鐘左右的新習性。
Japanese macaque (information from Wiki)
The Japanese macaque, is a terrestrial Old World monkey species native to Japan. They are also sometimes known as the snow monkey because they live in areas where snow covers the ground for months each year - no other non-human primate is more northern-living,
The macaque has other unusual behaviours, including bathing together in hot springs and rolling snowballs for fun. Also, in recent studies the Japanese macaque has been found to develop different accents, like humans. Macaques in areas separated by only a few hundred miles can have very different pitches in their calls, their form of communication.
日本獼猴 (資料來自於維基百科)
日本獼猴(學名Macaca fuscata),也叫雪猴,是生活在日本北部的一種獼猴。它們是世界上生活地區最北的非人類靈長目動物。日本獼猴的毛色為灰褐色,臉部、四肢和下腹部為紅色,尾巴很短。日本獼猴可以在-15°C(5°F)的嚴酷環境中生存,這在靈長目動物中是非常少見的。為了能在這樣低溫的嚴酷環境中生存,日本獼猴進化出了集體泡溫泉的習性,但只有最高等級的雌性和幼崽才能入內。探索頻道的《地球變種》紀錄片攝製組拍攝到部分日本獼猴為了拾取溫泉底部的食物,會憋氣潛水1分鐘左右的新習性。
Japanese macaque (information from Wiki)
The Japanese macaque, is a terrestrial Old World monkey species native to Japan. They are also sometimes known as the snow monkey because they live in areas where snow covers the ground for months each year - no other non-human primate is more northern-living,
The macaque has other unusual behaviours, including bathing together in hot springs and rolling snowballs for fun. Also, in recent studies the Japanese macaque has been found to develop different accents, like humans. Macaques in areas separated by only a few hundred miles can have very different pitches in their calls, their form of communication.