插畫家 - Charley Harper

插畫家 (Illustrator):Charley Harper
年份 (Year):1922 – 2007
國籍 (Country):美 (US)

Charley Harper(1922年8月4日 - 2007年6月10日)是一位出身於辛辛那提的美國現代派畫家。以個人風格強烈的野生動物版畫、海報和書籍插圖出名。他出生於1922年西弗吉尼亞州Frenchton,農莊的成長背景經歷影響了Harper的工作,後來離鄉背景到辛辛那提藝術學院就讀藝術相關科系,並獲得該學院的遊學獎學金。Harper後來遇到了同鄉出身的藝術家Edie Mckee,1947年兩人於畢業不久後邁入婚姻生活。

Charley Harper陸陸續續在職涯中出版了許多書籍,包括"Golden Book of Biology(金典生物學)",福特時代雜誌,還有版畫海報等作品。主題圍繞大自然生態(以鳥類插圖表現特別出色),Charley亦為許多自然國家公園或相關組織創造大量作品,包括:國家公園服務區、辛辛那提動物園、辛辛那提自然中心、哈密​​爾頓縣(俄亥俄州)公園區、賓夕法尼亞州的鷹山保護區。還有大沼澤地國家公園的教育看板。





Charley Harper
Charley Harper (August 4, 1922 – June 10, 2007) was a Cincinnati-based American Modernist artist. He was best known for his highly stylized wildlife prints, posters and book illustrations. Born in Frenchton, West Virginia in 1922, Harper's upbringing on his family farm influenced his work to his last days. He left his farm home to study art at the Art Academy of Cincinnati, and won the academy’s first Stephen H. Wilder Traveling Scholarship. Also during his time at the Academy, and supposedly on the first day, Charley met fellow artist Edie Mckee, whom he would marry shortly after graduation in 1947.

During his career, Charley Harper illustrated numerous books, notably The Golden Book of Biology, magazines such as Ford Times, as well as many prints, posters, and other works. As his subjects are mainly natural, with birds prominently featured, Charley often created works for many nature-based organizations, among them the National Park Service; Cincinnati Zoo; Cincinnati Nature Center; Hamilton County (Ohio) Park District; and Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Pennsylvania. He also designed interpretive displays for Everglades National Park.

In a style he called "minimal realism", Charley Harper captured the essence of his subjects with the fewest possible visual elements. When asked to describe his unique visual style, Charley responded:

When I look at a wildlife or nature subject, I don’t see the feathers in the wings, I just count the wings. I see exciting shapes, color combinations, patterns, textures, fascinating behavior and endless possibilities for making interesting pictures. I regard the picture as an ecosystem in which all the elements are interrelated, interdependent, perfectly balanced, without trimming or unutilized parts; and herein lies the lure of painting; in a world of chaos, the picture is one small rectangle in which the artist can create an ordered universe.

He contrasted his nature-oriented artwork with the realism of John James Audubon, drawing influence from Cubism, Minimalism, Einsteinian physics and countless other developments in Modern art and science. His style distilled and simplified complex organisms and natural subjects, yet they are often arranged in a complex fashion. On the subject of his simplified forms, Harper noted:

I don't think there was much resistance to the way I simplified things. I think everybody understood that. Some people liked it and others didn't care for it. There's some who want to count all the feathers in the wings and then others who never think about counting the feathers, like me.

The results are bold, colorful, and often whimsical. The designer Todd Oldham wrote of Harper, "Charley’s inspired yet accurate color sense is undeniable, and when combined with the precision he exacts on rendering only the most important details, one is always left with a sense of awe." Charley, on numerous examples, also went outside the medium of graphic art and included short prose poems for the artwork he made.




