品牌介紹 - Southlands Replicas

品牌 (Brand):Southlands Replicas
年份 (Year):2016
產地 (Original):澳 (Australia)

Southlands Replicas是ㄧ個相當年輕的品牌,由家族企業MiniZoo於2016年推出,該公司位於澳洲科夫斯港。旗下大多數模型由Jason Smit所設計,他以前曾經製作過一些科學自然模型。Southlands Replicas顧名思義,專門出品來自赤道以南的物種,多為有袋類。由於此品牌目前在台灣尚無代理專櫃,想購買的人需轉駕到淘寶。

Southlands Replicas (information from toyanimal.info)
Southlands Replicas was launched in 2016 by the family-owned toy-business MiniZoo, which is based in Coffs Harbour, Australia. The majority of models are sculpted by Jason Smit, who has previously sculpted some models for Science & Nature As the name implies, it will be concentrating on animal species (both extinct and extant) from lands and waters around & largely south of the equator. The majority of figures will be 1:15 scale.

照片來自於 (photos from southlands FB)
官網連結 (official website link)



