品牌介紹 - REBOR

品牌 (Brand):REBOR
年份 (Year):2014
產地 (Original):英 (UK)

REBOR是一家英國公司,專門設計和製造博物館蒐藏等級的恐龍模型。公司名稱“REBOR”來自“再生(reborn)”這個詞,其願景顯示了該司目標"重製出栩栩如生的恐龍模型 "。 REBOR發跡於2014年,並在海外廣為動物模型玩家所知的STS論壇打出他們的第一個產品。旗下恐龍比例大多為1:35的,材質為pvc。 這些ㄧ體成型的恐龍沒有接縫,目前該公司預計每年平均發布5種新品。


REBOR (information from toyanimal.info)
REBOR is a UK company that designs and manufactures museum class dinosaur replicas. The name of the company “REBOR” came from the word “reborn”, which shows the ambition of the company of making lifelike dinosaurs. The company started in 2014 and has chosen STS-Forum to present their first figure to collectors community. Most figures are billed as being in 1:35 scale, made of solid pvc with a polystone base. Although the animal is a single piece without seams, it can be removed from the base. Figures are boxed in carefully designed boxes. The company expects to release an average of new 5 figures per year.

照片來自於 (photos from REBOR FB)



