品牌介紹 - Bullyland

品牌 (Brand):Bullyland
年份 (Year):1973
產地 (Original):德 (DE)

Bullyland於1973年6月1日由Schleich的前任經理Volkmar Klaus所創立。 但是根據Schleich發行的書“Everywhere's a Playground”內容描述,他在家庭糾紛中離開了Schleich的同事。

Bullyland最初在德國施普賴特巴赫(Spraitbach)的一個車庫製作成品,並迅速擴展到國際市場。旗下產品範圍包括史前史生物、野生動物、家畜、還有部分人物 / 漫畫人物。非模型的業務還有製作塑膠模型鑰匙圈。Bullyland成立於1973年6月1日。最初註冊的名字是Bully-Figuren Volkmar Klaus。 1977年公司改名為BULLY GmbH Volkmar Klaus, 1998年又改名為Bullyland Volkmar Klaus。 其他的Bullyland公司也在1978年至1984年間陸續成立,例如Bullyland香港公司,Bullyland美國公司,Bullyland斯洛伐克公司等。

旗下的恐龍系列具始於1992年。1997年於德國的Stuttgart自然歷史博物館合作推出了古生物和恐龍一系列產品線,其中包括人類演化。這類產品有mini, 小型,中型等,種類繁多。 2005年,Volkmar Klaus將公司賣給了Thomas Fischer和其他3個人。 2012年1月,Bullyland再次賣給了Arthur Ruland。由於多次轉手,產品也有很多變動。

Klaus先生沒想到在他成立Bullyland的數年後被稱為Bully先生。 Bully在德語中指一種法國的鬥牛犬。 Klaus和他妻子養了7只。可見他們有多喜歡這種寵物犬。所以在公司名稱裡用上Bully就很好理解了。但起初沒有用Bully做為商標,因為有人先用了。後來大約就1995年還是96年開始就用Bullyland這個商標。 Land 代表大陸或樂園的意思,例如Disneyland。


Bullyland (information from toyanimal.info)
Bullyland was founded June 01 1973 by Volkmar Klaus, a former manager of Schleich. Mr Klaus had been considered the crown prince of Schleich, but according to the Schleich book "Anywhere`s a Playground" he left with a handful of Schleich associates after a dispute in the family.

Bullyland began making figures in a garage in Spraitbach Germany, and quickly expanded to the international market. They have made a number of animal ranges including prehistorics, and produce character/comics figures. Another important part of their model business has been the so called "Werbefiguren", plastic models ( key-rings etc) shaped as company logos.

Mr Klaus first registered the name Bully-Figuren Volkmar Klaus. In 1977 the company was changed to BULLY GmbH Volkmar Klaus (mainly for liability reasons), And in 1998 into Bullyland Volkmar Klaus. Other Bullyland companies were founded already in 1978 and 1984: Bullyland H.K. Ltd. and Bullyland Inc. USA, and later on Bullyland Slowakia. In 2001 it was changed into Bullyland Volkmar Klaus AG In 2010 it was changed from Bullyland AG into Bullyland GmbH

Volkmar Klaus and his wife Jane had no less than 7 French Bulldogs. This breed of dog is called a ”Bully” in German, but they could not use the name, because Steiff ( plush animals) had already registered the name for one of their models.From 1995 or 96 and onwards the name ”Bullyland” was used as the trademark, even if most models were still marked ” Bully”.

Bullyland was owned By Volkmar Klaus until the end of 2005, when he sold to Mr. Thomas Fischer + 3 other partners. In Jan. 2012 it was sold again to Mr. Arthur Ruland.

照片來自於 (photos from bullyland.de)



