Kay Bojesen 木河馬 (Kay Bojesen Hippo, Denmark)

購買時間 (Date):2011
材質 (Material):橡木(Oak wood)
國籍 (Country):丹麥 (Denmark)
喜愛程度 (10為滿分):♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

一般台灣人多半不認識Kay Bojesen,少數文青或設計系相關工作者可能聽過他的大名,這隻木河馬是我在好幾年前買的收藏品,採購於台灣代理商網站(當時做海外代購的人還不多),雖然蝦拍也有販售,但千萬別傻傻的去買啊,因為蝦拍的價格遠比台灣代理商要貴多了,這幾年除了原本就有的橡木色河馬之外,還新增了黑色阿河,用色上有點突兀(以往Bojesen的塗裝作品多會保留木紋質感),不如原色來的有味道,當然這點就見人見智啦!如果不嫌麻煩的話,找代購處理的費用比向代理商購買還更加划算喔!

Kay Bojesen(1886年至1958年)在1955年設計了這隻會夾筆的木頭河馬,最初他是Georg Jensen的學徒,在1910年的時候接受了作為一個銀匠的訓練。他在德國和法國待了幾年之後在哥本哈根找到了一個銀匠的工作。基於對木頭材質的親近感,在20世紀30年代,他成為丹麥木材藝術設計的的偉大先驅之一。1922年他開始設計四肢可移動的木製玩具,其中包括柚木和林巴猴 (1951)、橡木大象、橡木和楓木製成的熊、山毛櫸木搖馬、鸚鵡、臘腸犬以及丹麥皇家衛隊的玩具士兵,包括鼓手、步槍和旗手。 1990 年丹麥設計公司 Rosendahl 購買了這些玩具的使用權。

Kay Bojesen (資料來自於Wiki百科)
Kay Bojesen (15 August 1886 – 28 August 1958) was a Danish silversmith and designer. He is best known for creating wooden animals, especially his wooden monkey which was exhibited at the Victoria and Albert museum in London in the nineteen-fifties, and which today is considered a design classic. Bojesen was born on 15 August 1886 in Copenhagen, Denmark. He first trained to be a grocer, but in 1906 began working for Danish silversmith Georg Jensen. The Danish Museum of Art & Design describes his early work as being in an Art Nouveau style, likely due to Jensen's influence.

In 1922, Bojesen began designing wooden toys, typically about six to ten inches tall, with moveable limbs. These included a teak and limba monkey (1951), an oak elephant, a bear made of oak and maple, a rocking horse of beech, a parrot, a dachshund, and toy soldiers of the Danish Royal Guard including a drummer, a private with rifle and a standard-bearer. In 1990, Danish design house Rosendahl bought the rights to the toys. In 1931, Bojesen was one of the key founders of the design exhibition gallery and shop called "Den Permanente" (The Permanent), a collective which aimed to exhibit the best of Danish design.



