
品牌 (Brand):CollectA
出品年份 (Release Year):2021
產品編號 (Item Number):88940
尺寸 (Size):6 x 4.3 x 6 cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥


新款無尾熊的材質比舊款玩具柔軟得多。擠壓時身體會稍微彎曲,耳朵和四肢很容易彎曲。不知是為了減少成本還是考慮到安全措施的結果 (C家很多模型的材質都偏軟)?反之而言,更柔軟的材質代表幼兒在把玩的過程中,更不容易損毀掉色,或戳傷自己。

這款無尾熊皮毛看起來柔軟蓬鬆,帶有點黃灰水洗色感,在耳朵內側、深棕色眼睛周圍、下頜以及手掌和腳底都有薄薄一層的粉紅色噴漆。尤其是胸部和耳朵,手掌和腳底有皺紋,胸部噴繪的深棕色條紋代表氣味腺 (標記它們生活和覓食的尤加利樹)。隱約可見陰囊,這是隻標準的雄性無尾熊模型(雄性的體型是雌性的兩倍),爪子數量也符合真實無尾熊,寬大的眼睛和閃亮的黑色瞳孔使牠顯得警覺和警覺。矛盾的是,無尾熊其實是現存最不聰明的哺乳動物之一XDXDXD(脾氣也不太好)。


無尾熊 (資料來自於Wiki百科)
無尾熊(學名:Phascolarctos cinereus),中國大陸叫樹袋熊、考拉(英語:Koala),香港叫樹熊,是澳洲的特有種有袋類動物,全世界僅分布在澳洲的東部昆士蘭州、新南威爾斯、南澳州和維多利亞地區低海拔、不密集的桉樹林中。關於「Koala」 是源自澳洲原住民的方言(達拉格族和歐拉族的達拉格語「gula」),意指「不喝水」。中文音譯成「考拉」或「夸剌」。

1798年一位探險家約翰·杭特[7]在澳洲藍山首次發現,在19世紀初無尾熊遭到捕殺出口,數量由百萬隻銳減至一千多隻,於是澳洲政府立法保護。無尾熊身體長約70至80厘米左右,成年體重8至15公斤,性情溫馴,體態憨厚,長相很像小熊,有一身又厚又軟的濃密灰褐色短毛,胸部、腹部、四肢內側和內耳皮毛呈白色,生有一對大耳朵,耳有茸毛,鼻子裸露且扁平,無尾熊有尾巴,但屬尾椎殘餘,只有約3.5公分長 ,這是因為它順的尾巴經過漫長的歲月已經退化成一個「座墊」,因而能長時間舒適地坐在樹上。


Koala (information from wikipedia)
The koala or, inaccurately, koala bear[a] (Phascolarctos cinereus), is an arboreal herbivorous marsupial native to Australia. It is the only extant representative of the family Phascolarctidae and its closest living relatives are the wombats, which are members of the family Vombatidae. The koala is found in coastal areas of the mainland's eastern and southern regions, inhabiting Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. It is easily recognisable by its stout, tailless body and large head with round, fluffy ears and large, spoon-shaped nose. The koala has a body length of 60–85 cm (24–33 in) and weighs 4–15 kg (9–33 lb). Fur colour ranges from silver grey to chocolate brown. Koalas from the northern populations are typically smaller and lighter in colour than their counterparts further south. These populations possibly are separate subspecies, but this is disputed.

Koalas typically inhabit open eucalypt woodlands, and the leaves of these trees make up most of their diet. Because this eucalypt diet has limited nutritional and caloric content, koalas are largely sedentary and sleep up to 20 hours a day. They are asocial animals, and bonding exists only between mothers and dependent offspring. Adult males communicate with loud bellows that intimidate rivals and attract mates. Males mark their presence with secretions from scent glands located on their chests. Being marsupials, koalas give birth to underdeveloped young that crawl into their mothers' pouches, where they stay for the first six to seven months of their lives. These young koalas, known as joeys, are fully weaned around a year old. Koalas have few natural predators and parasites, but are threatened by various pathogens, such as Chlamydiaceae bacteria and the koala retrovirus.


3 則留言:

  1. 恭喜相機修好了!園主的照片比官網照片有吸引力多了XD舊款的照片看起來有點慘不忍睹QQ我自己是入手S家的無尾熊~~也覺得很可愛!!我覺得C家的某些模型會偏軟一點點(馬、狐狸),但是每種款式的羚羊都很硬XDDD

    1. S家的無尾熊也不錯:),之前還在考慮要買S家的還是C家的,看到外國有人分享開箱文後還是決定買C家,C家的羚羊有點可惜的是容易買到歪腿模,這種只能後續加工讓牠們站穩點:P

    2. 說到這個我就傷心XD因為我人生收的第一隻C家的就是歪腿的彎角劍羚!!!剛開始接觸動物模型就很喜歡入有角的鹿和羚羊,而且C家出了很多羚羊,看照片塗裝也很美!!!沒想到他跛腳,一段時間就沒再入手C家了,大部分都買S家居多,結果後來看到喜馬拉雅塔爾羊太可愛了又入手這隻跟後來出的高鼻羚羊,都沒有跛腳問題而且好美~~~加上最近S家出得少,現在又開始蒐集C家的羚羊了XD

