53. 尼羅鱷 (2007)

品牌 (Brand):Papo
出品年份 (Release Year):2007
產品編號 (Item Number):50055
尺寸 (Size):18.2cm x 5.5cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
產地 (Original):法(FR)


尼羅鱷 (資料來自於維基百科)
尼羅鱷(學名Crocodylus niloticus)是一種大型鱷魚,為全數23種鱷魚當中被人類研究最多的一種。尼羅鱷長4-5米,大鱷可達8米;吻闊略呈長三角形,上頜每側有牙齒16-19枚,下頜每側14-15枚;軀幹背面有堅固的厚鱗甲6-8縱列;四肢的外側有鋸齒緣,趾間有蹼。體色背面為暗橄欖褐色,腹面淡黃色,幼體顏色較淡,有黑色的斑點及網狀花紋。其下顎第四齒由上顎的V字形凹陷中向外面突出。尼羅鱷非常強壯,尾巴強而有力,有助於游泳。成年尼羅鱷的體重可以重達一噸。


Nile Crocodile (information from wikipedia)
The Nile crocodile is an opportunistic apex predator and a very aggressive species of crocodile that is capable of taking almost any animal within its range. They are generalists, taking a variety of prey. Their diet consists mostly of different species of fish, reptiles, birds and mammals. The Nile crocodile is an ambush predator and can wait for hours, days and even weeks for the suitable moment to attack. They are quite agile predators and wait for the opportunity for the prey item to come close within the range of attack. Even swift prey are not immune to attack. Like other crocodiles, Nile crocodiles have an extremely powerful bite that is unique amongst all animals and sharp conical teeth that sink into flesh allowing for a grip that is almost impossible to loosen. They can apply high levels of force for extended periods of time, a great advantage for holding down large prey underwater to drown.

Nile crocodiles are very social crocodiles. They share basking spots and large food sources such as schools of fish and big carcasses. There is a strict hierarchy, that is determined by size. Large, old males are at the top of this hierarchy and have primary access to food and best basking spots. Crocodiles know their place in the hierarchical order and rarely act against it, but when they do, the results are very bloody and sometimes even fatal. Like other reptiles, Nile crocodiles lay eggs to reproduce, which are guarded by the female. The hatchlings are also protected for a period of time, but hunt by themselves and are not fed by the parents. The Nile crocodile is one of the most dangerous species of crocodile and is responsible for hundreds of deaths of humans every year. It is a rather common species of crocodile and is not endangered.



