54. 白犀牛 (2012)

品牌 (Brand):Mojö
出品年份 (Release Year):2012
產品編號 (Item Number):387155
尺寸 (Size):14cm x 6.75cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤
產地 (Original):香港(HK)


白犀 (資料來自於維基百科)
白犀(學名Ceratotherium simum),又名白犀牛、方吻犀,是現存五種犀牛中個頭最大的,體形僅次於大象,共有兩個亞種。其中北方亞種主要分布於非洲東部和中部的烏干達和尼羅河上游,南方亞種主要分布於南非,約有20,170頭野生白犀,是數量最多的一種犀牛。白犀的名稱由來沒有公論。事實上白犀的身體顏色與黑犀沒有很大區別,其區別主要在於比較大的體型,和寬大的嘴唇。一個常見的說法是白犀牛的白字是來自於荷蘭語的「wijd」,意思是「寬」,最早移民非洲南部的歐洲殖民者荷蘭人用寬嘴唇這個特徵來和尖嘴唇的黑犀牛區分,之後說英語的人將「wijd」誤譯為「white」,即「白」,使得這個名字誤導世人。事實上荷蘭語中,也是用「黑」、「白」來命名這兩種犀牛,而且即使早期荷蘭語文獻中也從來沒有「寬」、「窄」犀牛這樣的提法。


White rhinoceros (information from wikipedia)
The white rhinoceros or square-lipped rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) is the largest and most numerous species of rhinoceros that exists. It has a wide mouth used for grazing and is the most social of all rhino species. The white rhinoceros consists of two subspecies: the southern white rhinoceros, with an estimated 17,460 wild-living animals at the end of 2007 (IUCN 2008), and the much rarer northern white rhinoceros. The northern subspecies has very few remaining, with seven confirmed individuals left, with only four still able to reproduce (Including those in captivity).

White rhinoceroses are found in grassland and savannah habitat. Herbivore grazers that eat grass, preferring the shortest grains, the white rhinoceros is one of the largest pure grazers. It drinks twice a day if water is available, but if conditions are dry it can live four or five days without water. It spends about half of the day eating, one third resting, and the rest of the day doing various other things. White rhinoceroses, like all species of rhinoceros, love wallowing in mudholes to cool down. White rhinoceroses produce sounds which include a panting contact call, grunts and snorts during courtship, squeals of distress, and deep bellows or growls when threatened. Threat displays (in males mostly) include wiping its horn on the ground and a head-low posture with ears back, combined with snarl threats and shrieking if attacked. The white rhinoceros is quick and agile and can run 50 km/h (31 mph).



