57. 灰色夏爾母馬 (2012)

品牌 (Brand):CollectA
出品年份 (Release Year):2012
產品編號 (Item Number):88574
尺寸 (Size):17cm X 12.3cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤
產地 (Original):英(EN)

這匹馬是我入手的第一匹C家馬,之前一直遲遲沒買是因此考慮到和其他馬搭配的比例,實品收到後非常喜歡,C家的馬雖然不如S家在噴色的表現來的層次分明,她飄逸的馬毛與靈活動態也算別具特色,夏爾馬模完整呈現出這種馬中"溫柔巨人"的特色 (邁步姿態沉穩,立體感分明的肌肉)。拿在手上更是份量十足,真心越看越喜歡。

夏爾馬 (資料來自於百度百科)

夏爾馬最早出現在英國是1066年,作為英國傳統的良種馬,夏爾馬曾經是英國歷史畫面中最常見的一道風景。 “Shire”這個詞是“州郡”的意思,是由林肯郡蘭開夏郡斯坦福郡和德比郡等發展出來的。 幾個世紀以來,無論是和平時期還是戰爭年代,夏爾馬都曾是英國人最得力的助手。夏爾馬數量最多的時代是18世紀和19世紀,當時英國夏爾馬的數量超過了100萬匹。不過,二戰以後,夏爾馬的數量就一直在急劇減少。據夏爾馬協會提供的數據稱,目前英國夏爾馬的數量只有3500匹。夏爾馬協會負責人安德魯·默塞爾認為,夏爾馬是英國古老遺產的一個重要組成部分,應當對這份遺產予以重點保護。現在每年登記在冊的夏爾馬母馬只有200匹,夏爾馬死亡的速度遠遠超過了繁殖的速度。夏爾馬協會警告說,如果這一狀況繼續下去,可能用不了十年,曾經是英國歷史重要組成部分的夏爾馬就會消亡。

Shire horse (information from wikipedia)
The Shire horse is a breed of draught horse or draft horse. The breed comes in many colours, including black, bay and grey. They are a tall breed, with mares standing 16 hands and over and stallions standing 17 hands and over. The breed has an enormous capacity for weight pulling, and Shires have held the world records for both largest overall horse and tallest horse at various times. Throughout its history, the breed has been popular for pulling brewery wagons delivering ale to customers. This practice continues today, with the breed also being used for forestry, leisure and promotional pursuits.

In 1878, the British organization now known as the Shire Horse Society was created, with the American Shire Horse Association beginning in 1885. The breed was exported from Britain to the United States in large numbers during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but popularity fell as mechanisation increased, reaching a low point in the 1950s and 60s. Popularity began to increase again in the 1970s and after. However, population numbers are still considered to be at critical levels by both the UK-based Rare Breeds Survival Trust and the US-based American Livestock Breeds Conservancy.



