69. 夜鷺 (2003)

品牌 (Brand):Kaiyodo (海洋堂)
系列 (Series):Kaiyodo Animatales ChocoQ Series 8 Night Heron (巧克力蛋日本的動物第8彈)
出品年份 (Release Year):2003
產品編號 (Item Number):QN8-198
尺寸 (Size):
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤
產地 (Original):日(JP)


夜鷺 (資料來自於維基百科)
夜鷺(學名:Nycticorax nycticorax),又名灰窪子、夜窪子、星雁、暗光鳥仔,模樣相近綠鷺,是鷺科夜鷺屬的一種。夜鷺是一種很聰明的鳥類,會用{魚餌} 釣魚 。捕魚時,夜鷺會先把野果扔在水裡,然後在岸上等待。一旦發現獵物,牠就會迅速的衝入水中,飽餐一頓。夜鷺是分布非常廣泛的一種鳥類,分布遍及歐亞大陸、非洲,整個美洲大陸及東南亞等地。夜鷺在台灣為留鳥,台語稱為「暗光鳥」,客語稱為「夜鶴」。由於性喜食魚,魚類養殖業者視其為害鳥。

Night Heron (information from Wiki)
The night herons are medium-sized herons in the genera Nycticorax, Nyctanassa, and Gorsachius. The genus name Nycticorax derives from the Greek for “night raven” and refers to the largely nocturnal feeding habits of this group of birds, and the croaking crow-like call of the best known species, the Black-crowned Night Heron. In Europe, Night Heron is often used to refer to the Black-crowned Night Heron, since it is the only member of the genus in that continent.

Adults are short-necked, short-legged, and stout herons with a primarily brown or grey plumage, and, in most, a black crown. Young birds are brown, flecked with white. At least some of the extinct Mascarenes taxa appear to have retained this juvenile plumage in adult birds.



