文章最後更新時間: 2015/06/03
品牌 (Brand):4D Master
年份 (Year):1997
產地 (Original):香港
4D Master可說是我步入模型收集的一個啟發點,自從將手邊的4D Master產品全部出清後,我就全心投入動物模型圈。台灣人對這個品牌的印象遠比其他歐美大廠還要更加鮮明,許多生態展覽相關的場所都有在販售。該廠商在行銷推廣上做得非常好,產品市場廣泛,範圍遍布全球各地,包括美國,加拿大,德國,英國,北歐,日本,南非,東南亞......等國家皆可見其蹤影,打從2005年3月底開始,進一步開放獨家代理權 : 各別駐點於法國,西班牙,墨西哥,新加坡和馬來西亞,韓國,印尼,台灣,俄羅斯和中東地區。
產品區分為:人體解剖 / 細胞 / 野生動物 / 奇幻生物 / 太空冒險 / 海洋生物 / 鳥類 / 動物解剖 / 昆蟲 / 寵物 / 農場動物 / 交通工具。這系列產品創意十足,色彩鮮豔,總能引起小孩或部分成人的共鳴,吵著要敗一套回家玩玩。小型動物模型要價也不貴,價格落在100-200之間,鳥類的材質比名犬 / 野生動物要來的硬。接縫明顯是個大缺點,這系列產品趣味性和教育性遠勝過收藏價值。不過,這類以解剖學為賣點的模型也不算創新,早在50-60年前就有商人將腦筋轉到這塊。
4D Master (information from 4D Master)
Since founded in 1997, Fame Master has been specializing in designing, manufacturing and exporting plastic educational toys, puzzles and figurines of high quality and innovation on a worldwide basis.
In 1998, we created our first figurine character series named "ALIEN Q ™.", which was so well received by the kids and teenagers. Over 5 million pieces had been sold through various channels, including fast food shops (e.g. KFC & HARDEES), chain stores, department stores, theme parks, etc., spreading all over the world. Currently, Fame Master puts major focus in both the 4D PUZZLE ™ and GEAR'X ™ product lines, which are both highly recognized for their authenticated look, museum quality, detailed finishing, novel and attractive design, fine-tuned painting, educational while enjoyable and inspiring meaning contained in puzzle-building form or gear-motivated tools, to be offered at competitive prices without compromise to the top quality.
官網連結 (official website link)
品牌 (Brand):4D Master
年份 (Year):1997
產地 (Original):香港
4D Master可說是我步入模型收集的一個啟發點,自從將手邊的4D Master產品全部出清後,我就全心投入動物模型圈。台灣人對這個品牌的印象遠比其他歐美大廠還要更加鮮明,許多生態展覽相關的場所都有在販售。該廠商在行銷推廣上做得非常好,產品市場廣泛,範圍遍布全球各地,包括美國,加拿大,德國,英國,北歐,日本,南非,東南亞......等國家皆可見其蹤影,打從2005年3月底開始,進一步開放獨家代理權 : 各別駐點於法國,西班牙,墨西哥,新加坡和馬來西亞,韓國,印尼,台灣,俄羅斯和中東地區。
產品區分為:人體解剖 / 細胞 / 野生動物 / 奇幻生物 / 太空冒險 / 海洋生物 / 鳥類 / 動物解剖 / 昆蟲 / 寵物 / 農場動物 / 交通工具。這系列產品創意十足,色彩鮮豔,總能引起小孩或部分成人的共鳴,吵著要敗一套回家玩玩。小型動物模型要價也不貴,價格落在100-200之間,鳥類的材質比名犬 / 野生動物要來的硬。接縫明顯是個大缺點,這系列產品趣味性和教育性遠勝過收藏價值。不過,這類以解剖學為賣點的模型也不算創新,早在50-60年前就有商人將腦筋轉到這塊。
4D Master (information from 4D Master)
Since founded in 1997, Fame Master has been specializing in designing, manufacturing and exporting plastic educational toys, puzzles and figurines of high quality and innovation on a worldwide basis.
In 1998, we created our first figurine character series named "ALIEN Q ™.", which was so well received by the kids and teenagers. Over 5 million pieces had been sold through various channels, including fast food shops (e.g. KFC & HARDEES), chain stores, department stores, theme parks, etc., spreading all over the world. Currently, Fame Master puts major focus in both the 4D PUZZLE ™ and GEAR'X ™ product lines, which are both highly recognized for their authenticated look, museum quality, detailed finishing, novel and attractive design, fine-tuned painting, educational while enjoyable and inspiring meaning contained in puzzle-building form or gear-motivated tools, to be offered at competitive prices without compromise to the top quality.
官網連結 (official website link)