插畫家 (Illustrator):Celestino Piatti
年份 (Year):1922–2007
國籍 (Country):瑞
Celestino Piatti (1922–2007) 是一位瑞士的插畫家和書籍設計師。 1922年生於瑞士萬根,作為石匠和蘇黎世農家女的兒子。自幼成長於迪特利孔(Dietlikon)。1960早期他成為出版商Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (DTV) 的設計師。在DTV工作的30年裡,作品量累積超過6000多項。內容涵蓋兒童讀物、商業廣告、郵票、包裝、動畫、雕塑、油畫、木刻版畫、彩色玻璃、水彩畫、陶瓷和雕塑等。
貓頭鷹經常出現在他的作品中,作為好運或厄運的使者,有時則為智慧的象徵。 1992年 Celestino Piatti 接受雜誌訪談時曾發言:“即使你描繪了同一隻貓頭鷹1000次,但卻無法摸清牠的秘密”。Celestino Piatti 以大膽的色塊和筆刷建構出屬於自己的強烈風格,他筆下的動物既鮮明又奔放,讓人留下深刻印象。
Celestino Piatti
Celestino Piatti (1922-2007) was a Swiss graphic artist, painter and book designer. He was a popular illustrator of children's books and achieved international success as a designer for Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (DTV).
Piatti was born in Wangen-Brüttisellen, the son of a Ticino stonemason and a Zurich farmer's daughter. He grew up in Dietlikon, near Zürich. Between 1938 and 1942 he trained in the Gebrüder Fretz studio, and took evening classes with Ernst und Max Gubler at the Kunstgewerbeschule, Zurich (today the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste), and then qualified as a graphic teacher. Between 1945 and the end of 1948 he worked in the studio of Fritz Bühler in Basel. From 1948 he had his own graphic design studio. In 1966 he settled in Duggingen near Basel, where he lived until his death.
His first international success came as a designer of posters. He designed more than five hundred, many of which won prizes. In 1964 his work was included in the graphic design section of documenta III in Kassel,In 1975 Piatti won a Book of The Caldecott Medal "The Little Crayfish"
In 1961 Piatti became the designer for the newly founded Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (DTV) of Munich. As well as their cover designs, Piatti was responsible for the company's typography, signets, letterheads, advertisements and posters, giving the DTV catalogue a uniform identity which combined the International Typographic Style with quirky illustration. His distinctive covers used the sans-serif Akzidenz-Grotesk typeface in black against a white background. From 1961, beginning with Heinrich Böll's Irisches Tagebuch, to 1991, he designed almost all of DTV's publications, a total of more than 6,300 titles.
年份 (Year):1922–2007
國籍 (Country):瑞
Celestino Piatti (1922–2007) 是一位瑞士的插畫家和書籍設計師。 1922年生於瑞士萬根,作為石匠和蘇黎世農家女的兒子。自幼成長於迪特利孔(Dietlikon)。1960早期他成為出版商Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (DTV) 的設計師。在DTV工作的30年裡,作品量累積超過6000多項。內容涵蓋兒童讀物、商業廣告、郵票、包裝、動畫、雕塑、油畫、木刻版畫、彩色玻璃、水彩畫、陶瓷和雕塑等。
貓頭鷹經常出現在他的作品中,作為好運或厄運的使者,有時則為智慧的象徵。 1992年 Celestino Piatti 接受雜誌訪談時曾發言:“即使你描繪了同一隻貓頭鷹1000次,但卻無法摸清牠的秘密”。Celestino Piatti 以大膽的色塊和筆刷建構出屬於自己的強烈風格,他筆下的動物既鮮明又奔放,讓人留下深刻印象。
Celestino Piatti
Celestino Piatti (1922-2007) was a Swiss graphic artist, painter and book designer. He was a popular illustrator of children's books and achieved international success as a designer for Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (DTV).
Piatti was born in Wangen-Brüttisellen, the son of a Ticino stonemason and a Zurich farmer's daughter. He grew up in Dietlikon, near Zürich. Between 1938 and 1942 he trained in the Gebrüder Fretz studio, and took evening classes with Ernst und Max Gubler at the Kunstgewerbeschule, Zurich (today the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste), and then qualified as a graphic teacher. Between 1945 and the end of 1948 he worked in the studio of Fritz Bühler in Basel. From 1948 he had his own graphic design studio. In 1966 he settled in Duggingen near Basel, where he lived until his death.
His first international success came as a designer of posters. He designed more than five hundred, many of which won prizes. In 1964 his work was included in the graphic design section of documenta III in Kassel,In 1975 Piatti won a Book of The Caldecott Medal "The Little Crayfish"
In 1961 Piatti became the designer for the newly founded Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (DTV) of Munich. As well as their cover designs, Piatti was responsible for the company's typography, signets, letterheads, advertisements and posters, giving the DTV catalogue a uniform identity which combined the International Typographic Style with quirky illustration. His distinctive covers used the sans-serif Akzidenz-Grotesk typeface in black against a white background. From 1961, beginning with Heinrich Böll's Irisches Tagebuch, to 1991, he designed almost all of DTV's publications, a total of more than 6,300 titles.