雕塑家 (Sculptor):Walter Bosse
年份 (Year):1904 - 1979
國籍 (Country):奧 / 德
Walter Bosse出生於1904年11月13日的維也納,是藝術家Luise和Julius Bosse的兒子,從小就受到父母在藝術上的薰陶,其父親曾作為朝廷肖像畫家。1918年至1921年期間Walter Bosse 在分別在Michael Powolny 與Franz Cižek門下學習陶藝與首飾製作的相關專業,隨後加入Münchner Kunstgewerbeschule (慕尼黑應用藝術學院),並首次在Josef Hoffmann的店中販賣自己的產品。
隨著其作品在工業 / 裝飾藝術國際博覽會上嶄露頭角,Walter Bosse的名號在市場上越來越普及並廣為人知,在1938年時,他由德國搬回到維也納,創立了Bosse-Keramik,旗下的Terra系列產品種類相當廣泛 : 包括玻璃,玩具,紡織品等,以及各種做為禮品的工藝品。在1940年代後期,Walter Bosse開始用黃銅做為陶瓷模型的外層金屬保護塗料 (避免商品在運送過程中受到擦撞等磨損,進而影響賣相),1950年代初期出產的黃銅鍍黑漆系列產品(金黑線),更是瞬間風靡全國。
然而,黃銅系列產品的熱銷,對於Walter Bosse在經濟方面的問題並無多大改善。1953年時他搬回伊瑟隆,在當地創立了新的店面繼續販賣產品,除了原本的黃銅系列外,又另外追加研發了開信刀,鑰匙扣,開瓶器等小型生活用品。此時他的作品開始廣泛普及國際市場 (特別是黃銅刺猬煙灰缸和手形碗組),而隨著這波風潮,市面上陸續出現相關仿冒品。
Walter Bosse在他創作的後半餘生花了許多金錢與時間周旋在這些盜版商之間,官司不曾停歇。其作今依舊耐人尋味,讓世界各地的收藏家們為之瘋狂。他樂觀的態度也反應在自身對於人與動物一舉一動的敏銳的觀察力上。
Walter Bosse的作品讓人留下深刻印象,特別是晚期的黃銅系列 (金黑線)。我手上有一組黃銅刺猬煙灰缸,這套6隻一組的母子煙灰缸,由小到大每一隻特色各異,除了刺猬家族外,火燄小馬王,小狐狸,驢子,斑馬和小象燭台也讓人愛不釋手。有心想蒐集的網友請留意 : 因為Walter Bosse的產品海外仿品眾多(據說市面超過100多萬組),目前確定賣正品的商家只有modernviennabronze,而他們家的刺猬煙灰缸亦是復刻品,很可惜的是該原模在二次世界大戰中已遺失。PD.下圖斑馬和小驢子是本人目前最想入手的小品。
Walter Bosse (information from Wikipedia)
Walter Bosse, born November 13, 1904, in Vienna, was the son of artists Luise and Julius Bosse. His father worked as a portrait painter at the imperial court. Walter Bosse attended the Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule (Vienna School of Applied Arts) from 1918 to 1921, where he studied ceramics under Michael Powolny, and ornament under Franz Cižek. He then attended the Münchner Kunstgewerbeschule (Munich School of Applied Arts). During his schooling he was given the opportunity to sell his work at the Wiener Werkstätte by Josef Hoffmann, who became a mentor to Bosse. Bosse opened his own shop in Kufstein in 1923.
In 1938, now divorced, Bosse moved back to Vienna where he founded Bosse-Keramik (Bosse Ceramics), which expanded under the new name “Terra” to include glass, toys, textiles. and a variety of craft items for the gift market. In the late 1940s, Bosse began experimenting with brass by giving his ceramic figures a metal coating to protect them from breakage. In the early 1950s, Bosse began his “Black Golden” line of brass figurines. He transitioned all of his efforts to brass. The figures became popular worldwide.
Despite Bosse's success with his brass figures, it was still a difficult time for him financially. In 1953, partly fleeing from financial troubles, he moved to Iserlohn where he set up a new shop and continued production. Bosse also collaborated with Karlsruhe State Majolika Works on a number of pottery animal figures. In 1958, he designed for Achatit Schirmer in Cologne. Bosse also turned his efforts to small, everyday items such as letter openers, keyrings, corkscrews, and pencil holders, all of which bear his distinctive "black and gold" look. A number of Bosse’s designs began to gain widespread popularity internationally, particularly his brass hedgehog ashtrays and hand-shaped bowls. But the designs' success led to forgeries popping up worldwide. His hedgehog ashtrays were reproduced by many forgers in various countries and with varying degrees of precision. To protect his designs, he engaged in court battles which would last the rest of his life and deplete most of his money. Because of these cases, he is considered to be a seminal figure relating to modern copyright law for designer goods.The last years of Bosse’s life saw him devoting much of his time and money to his legal disputes and on December 17, 1979, Bosse died with no money to his name in Iserlohn. His oeuvre consists of about 8,000 models and designs, of which about 3,000 are ceramics.
官網連結 (official website link)
原圖資料來自於modernviennabronze / Alyssa Zukas - pinterest (source original from modernviennabronze / Alyssa Zukas - pinterest)
年份 (Year):1904 - 1979
國籍 (Country):奧 / 德
Walter Bosse出生於1904年11月13日的維也納,是藝術家Luise和Julius Bosse的兒子,從小就受到父母在藝術上的薰陶,其父親曾作為朝廷肖像畫家。1918年至1921年期間Walter Bosse 在分別在Michael Powolny 與Franz Cižek門下學習陶藝與首飾製作的相關專業,隨後加入Münchner Kunstgewerbeschule (慕尼黑應用藝術學院),並首次在Josef Hoffmann的店中販賣自己的產品。
隨著其作品在工業 / 裝飾藝術國際博覽會上嶄露頭角,Walter Bosse的名號在市場上越來越普及並廣為人知,在1938年時,他由德國搬回到維也納,創立了Bosse-Keramik,旗下的Terra系列產品種類相當廣泛 : 包括玻璃,玩具,紡織品等,以及各種做為禮品的工藝品。在1940年代後期,Walter Bosse開始用黃銅做為陶瓷模型的外層金屬保護塗料 (避免商品在運送過程中受到擦撞等磨損,進而影響賣相),1950年代初期出產的黃銅鍍黑漆系列產品(金黑線),更是瞬間風靡全國。
然而,黃銅系列產品的熱銷,對於Walter Bosse在經濟方面的問題並無多大改善。1953年時他搬回伊瑟隆,在當地創立了新的店面繼續販賣產品,除了原本的黃銅系列外,又另外追加研發了開信刀,鑰匙扣,開瓶器等小型生活用品。此時他的作品開始廣泛普及國際市場 (特別是黃銅刺猬煙灰缸和手形碗組),而隨著這波風潮,市面上陸續出現相關仿冒品。
Walter Bosse在他創作的後半餘生花了許多金錢與時間周旋在這些盜版商之間,官司不曾停歇。其作今依舊耐人尋味,讓世界各地的收藏家們為之瘋狂。他樂觀的態度也反應在自身對於人與動物一舉一動的敏銳的觀察力上。
Walter Bosse的作品讓人留下深刻印象,特別是晚期的黃銅系列 (金黑線)。我手上有一組黃銅刺猬煙灰缸,這套6隻一組的母子煙灰缸,由小到大每一隻特色各異,除了刺猬家族外,火燄小馬王,小狐狸,驢子,斑馬和小象燭台也讓人愛不釋手。有心想蒐集的網友請留意 : 因為Walter Bosse的產品海外仿品眾多(據說市面超過100多萬組),目前確定賣正品的商家只有modernviennabronze,而他們家的刺猬煙灰缸亦是復刻品,很可惜的是該原模在二次世界大戰中已遺失。PD.下圖斑馬和小驢子是本人目前最想入手的小品。
Walter Bosse (information from Wikipedia)
Walter Bosse, born November 13, 1904, in Vienna, was the son of artists Luise and Julius Bosse. His father worked as a portrait painter at the imperial court. Walter Bosse attended the Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule (Vienna School of Applied Arts) from 1918 to 1921, where he studied ceramics under Michael Powolny, and ornament under Franz Cižek. He then attended the Münchner Kunstgewerbeschule (Munich School of Applied Arts). During his schooling he was given the opportunity to sell his work at the Wiener Werkstätte by Josef Hoffmann, who became a mentor to Bosse. Bosse opened his own shop in Kufstein in 1923.
In 1938, now divorced, Bosse moved back to Vienna where he founded Bosse-Keramik (Bosse Ceramics), which expanded under the new name “Terra” to include glass, toys, textiles. and a variety of craft items for the gift market. In the late 1940s, Bosse began experimenting with brass by giving his ceramic figures a metal coating to protect them from breakage. In the early 1950s, Bosse began his “Black Golden” line of brass figurines. He transitioned all of his efforts to brass. The figures became popular worldwide.
Despite Bosse's success with his brass figures, it was still a difficult time for him financially. In 1953, partly fleeing from financial troubles, he moved to Iserlohn where he set up a new shop and continued production. Bosse also collaborated with Karlsruhe State Majolika Works on a number of pottery animal figures. In 1958, he designed for Achatit Schirmer in Cologne. Bosse also turned his efforts to small, everyday items such as letter openers, keyrings, corkscrews, and pencil holders, all of which bear his distinctive "black and gold" look. A number of Bosse’s designs began to gain widespread popularity internationally, particularly his brass hedgehog ashtrays and hand-shaped bowls. But the designs' success led to forgeries popping up worldwide. His hedgehog ashtrays were reproduced by many forgers in various countries and with varying degrees of precision. To protect his designs, he engaged in court battles which would last the rest of his life and deplete most of his money. Because of these cases, he is considered to be a seminal figure relating to modern copyright law for designer goods.The last years of Bosse’s life saw him devoting much of his time and money to his legal disputes and on December 17, 1979, Bosse died with no money to his name in Iserlohn. His oeuvre consists of about 8,000 models and designs, of which about 3,000 are ceramics.
官網連結 (official website link)
原圖資料來自於modernviennabronze / Alyssa Zukas - pinterest (source original from modernviennabronze / Alyssa Zukas - pinterest)