文章最後更新時間: 2015/06/03
品牌 (Brand):Breyer
年份 (Year):1950
產地 (Original):美 (United States)
只要是愛馬人仕應該都會為之著迷的品牌,Breyer是一家出產各種比例馬模型為主流商品的模型公司,和CollectA的馬一樣給人飄逸的神話感 (CollectA目前的馬模型師出師於Breyer),非常寫實,B社除了馬之外也有出產少量動物與場景周邊,但並非主打商品。目前國內沒有代理商,他們家的產品個人雖然沒接觸過,不過據買過的外國網友評測,模型的材質比較脆,拿來把玩要相當小心,每年新品常搭配各種不同主題做販售(聖誕節或童書系列等)。
Breyer (information from Breyer Animal Creations®)
Breyer® models begin as beautiful horse sculptures created by leading equine artists that are then cast into a copper and steel mold. Each model is created one at a time from the original mold, which is injected with a special resin selected by Breyer for its ability to capture the depth of detail, delicate feel and richness of color in our models. Once the model is molded, Breyer’s artisans take over, and the handwork begins. Each individual Breyer® model is prepped and finished by hand and then turned over to the painting department for hand painting (with airbrushes) and detailing (with paint brushes). In all, some 20 artisans work on each individual model horse, creating an exquisite hand-made model horse that is as individual as the horse that inspired it.
Breyer Animal Creations® began as the Breyer Molding Company, a Chicago, Illinois-based plastics manufacturing company. Its first model horse, the # 57 Western Horse, made its appearance in 1950. It was a special order for the F.W. Woolworth Company, made to adorn a mantelpiece clock. The company was then flooded with requests from people who saw it and wanted to know if they could purchase just the horse! By accepting that one order, the Breyer Molding Company had changed the focus of its business and company direction forever!
官網連結 (official website link)
品牌 (Brand):Breyer
年份 (Year):1950
產地 (Original):美 (United States)
只要是愛馬人仕應該都會為之著迷的品牌,Breyer是一家出產各種比例馬模型為主流商品的模型公司,和CollectA的馬一樣給人飄逸的神話感 (CollectA目前的馬模型師出師於Breyer),非常寫實,B社除了馬之外也有出產少量動物與場景周邊,但並非主打商品。目前國內沒有代理商,他們家的產品個人雖然沒接觸過,不過據買過的外國網友評測,模型的材質比較脆,拿來把玩要相當小心,每年新品常搭配各種不同主題做販售(聖誕節或童書系列等)。
Breyer (information from Breyer Animal Creations®)
Breyer® models begin as beautiful horse sculptures created by leading equine artists that are then cast into a copper and steel mold. Each model is created one at a time from the original mold, which is injected with a special resin selected by Breyer for its ability to capture the depth of detail, delicate feel and richness of color in our models. Once the model is molded, Breyer’s artisans take over, and the handwork begins. Each individual Breyer® model is prepped and finished by hand and then turned over to the painting department for hand painting (with airbrushes) and detailing (with paint brushes). In all, some 20 artisans work on each individual model horse, creating an exquisite hand-made model horse that is as individual as the horse that inspired it.
Breyer Animal Creations® began as the Breyer Molding Company, a Chicago, Illinois-based plastics manufacturing company. Its first model horse, the # 57 Western Horse, made its appearance in 1950. It was a special order for the F.W. Woolworth Company, made to adorn a mantelpiece clock. The company was then flooded with requests from people who saw it and wanted to know if they could purchase just the horse! By accepting that one order, the Breyer Molding Company had changed the focus of its business and company direction forever!
官網連結 (official website link)
"模型的材質比較脆,拿來把玩要相當小心"....果真如此, 我買過他們三匹馬, 其中一匹"小摔"一下就有缺角了, 今後Breyer的東西必須更小心
回覆刪除而且B家的馬好像都是空心的.....雖然造型漂亮卻給人ㄧ種輕飄飄的感覺, 不太踏實, 前陣子因為接觸到GK的關係, 留意到ㄧ位專門做狗模型的Mr.Z先生, 雖然只出品少數幾款馬模, 但價格親人, 神態和B家有幾分神似,給您參考看看:)