雕塑家 (Sculptor):Lisa Larson
年份 (Year):1931
國籍 (Country):瑞典
絕大部分的台灣人對Lisa Larson的名號相當陌生,殊不知她在瑞典和日本可是人氣紅不讓的陶藝家。Lisa Larson是瑞典代表性的陶藝創作家,1931年出生於瑞典南方,求學階段即展現出過人的資質,受到斯堪地那維亞文化崇尚自然與生態的影響,她的作品多為可愛動物與小孩,有頭大大臉圓圓的憨獅 / 北京狗,一體成形的火狐 / 狡黠的貓咪 / 拖把熊,每隻小動物都個性十足,獨成一派。
1970年Lisa Larson代表瑞典造訪日本大阪萬國博覽會,她那些童話色彩強烈又癒療的動物們,在引進日本的短期間內立即獲得相當高的評價 (在東京有專賣店)。而今Lisa Larson已步入高齡,時至今日仍傾心創作。年歲隨著小日子增長,可是那些活潑而平凡的春日氣息,還是持續存在於她的創作中。
Lisa Larson (information from Wikipedia)
Larson was born in 1931 in the south of Sweden. Studied at College of Crafts and design in Gothenburg 1949-54. Then employed at Gustavsberg porcelain by the Artistic Director Stig Lindberg. Larson left Gustavsberg in 1980 to work freelance for a number of Swedish companies including Duka, Kooperativa Förbundet and Åhléns. In 1992, she founded Gustavsberg Ceramic Studio with a few of her old colleagues. In the studio, new design and small scale production still takes place.
官網連結 (official website link - Japan / official website link - Sweden)
原圖資料來自於comfota (source original from comfota)
年份 (Year):1931
國籍 (Country):瑞典
絕大部分的台灣人對Lisa Larson的名號相當陌生,殊不知她在瑞典和日本可是人氣紅不讓的陶藝家。Lisa Larson是瑞典代表性的陶藝創作家,1931年出生於瑞典南方,求學階段即展現出過人的資質,受到斯堪地那維亞文化崇尚自然與生態的影響,她的作品多為可愛動物與小孩,有頭大大臉圓圓的憨獅 / 北京狗,一體成形的火狐 / 狡黠的貓咪 / 拖把熊,每隻小動物都個性十足,獨成一派。
1970年Lisa Larson代表瑞典造訪日本大阪萬國博覽會,她那些童話色彩強烈又癒療的動物們,在引進日本的短期間內立即獲得相當高的評價 (在東京有專賣店)。而今Lisa Larson已步入高齡,時至今日仍傾心創作。年歲隨著小日子增長,可是那些活潑而平凡的春日氣息,還是持續存在於她的創作中。
Lisa Larson (information from Wikipedia)
Larson was born in 1931 in the south of Sweden. Studied at College of Crafts and design in Gothenburg 1949-54. Then employed at Gustavsberg porcelain by the Artistic Director Stig Lindberg. Larson left Gustavsberg in 1980 to work freelance for a number of Swedish companies including Duka, Kooperativa Förbundet and Åhléns. In 1992, she founded Gustavsberg Ceramic Studio with a few of her old colleagues. In the studio, new design and small scale production still takes place.
官網連結 (official website link - Japan / official website link - Sweden)
原圖資料來自於comfota (source original from comfota)