01. 中南大羚 (2013)

品牌 (Brand):CollectA
出品年份 (Release Year):2013
產品編號 (Item Number):88640
尺寸 (Size):8.8cm X 6cm
產地 (Original):英(EN)

喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤

這款中南大羚 (武廣牛) 模型非常小巧而精緻,靦腆害羞的姿態符合『林中紳士』的雅稱。美中不足之處:角部紋路立體感不如型錄照片層次分明,實物角的比例較長(型錄為短角),臉部噴色處理整體感偏暗 (深毛色的動物模型要拍出毛流層次還真是有點困難,打光角度不對就會糊成一團)。除此之外,有在追蹤CollectA新品的人可能有發現,中南大羚新版型錄的造型塗裝和舊版差異甚大,請參考下圖。

This beautiful saola model is very delicate and light, the only fly In the ointment was that the color of its horns are much longer than the sample on catalog, by the way, it is not easy to photograph a dark fur animal especially it's black face, that means the photographer have to boost the animals coat.

中南大羚 (資料來自於維基百科)
中南大羚 (學名:Pseudoryx nghetinhensis),又稱為武廣牛、安南錠角羚、劍角牛、索拉羚等,是偶蹄目下牛科中南大羚屬中的單屬種,1992年才被發現。目前分類仍不確定是屬於牛、羚羊或山羊等。族群數目存疑,目前全世界有記錄的只有11隻,因此在IUCN紅色名錄內被列為極危物種。

Saola (information from wikipedia)
The saola, Vu Quang ox or Asian unicorn, also, infrequently, Vu Quang bovid (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis), is one of the world's rarest mammals, a forest-dwelling bovine found only in the Annamite Range of Vietnam and Laos. Cousin to cattle, goats, and antelopes, the species was defined following a discovery of remains in 1992 in Vũ Quang Nature Reserve by a joint survey of the Ministry of Forestry and the World Wide Fund for Nature. The team found three skulls with unusual, long, straight horns kept in hunters' houses. In their article, the team proposed "a three month survey to observe the living animal", but more than 20 years later, still no sighting of a saola in the wild had been reported by a scientist. However, a living saola was photographed in the wild in September 2013 by a camera trap set by the World Wide Fund for Nature and the Vietnamese government’s Forest Protection Department. Van Ngoc Thinh, the WWF's Vietnam country director, said, "This is a breathtaking discovery and renews hope for the recovery of the species."

The saola inhabits the Annamite Range's moist forests and the eastern Indochina dry and monsoon forests. They have been spotted in steep river valleys at about 300 to 1800 m above sea level. These regions are distant from human settlements, and covered primarily in evergreen or mixed evergreen and deciduous woodlands. The species seems to prefer edge zones of the forests. Saolas stay in mountain forests during the wet seasons, when water in streams and rivers is abundant, and move down to the lowlands in winter. They are shy and never enter cultivated fields or come close to villages. To date, all known captive saolas have died, leading to the belief that this species cannot live in captivity.


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