28. 美洲黑熊 (2012)

品牌 (Brand):Mojö
出品年份 (Released Date):2012
產品編號 (Item Number):387112
尺寸 (Size):11cm x 6cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤
產地 (Original):香港(HK)

Mojö是一個很年輕的品牌,旗下產品累積到現在並不算多,它成立那年我剛好開始收集動物模型,這款黑熊可說是市面上個人最喜歡的,小小亮亮的眼睛配上兩頰長毛,因攝影角度關係,熊頭看起來好像有點大 (本尊其實還好),噴色表現樸實,與各家華麗噴色手法相較之下,Mojö 似乎比較擅長這種毛色偏深而沒有太多層次的塗裝手法。

美洲黑熊 (資料來自於維基百科)
美洲黑熊 (學名:Ursus americanus) ,是生存於北美洲的一種熊科熊屬的動物。分布範圍除從阿拉斯加南部一直到墨西哥北部,包括了美國39個州和的加拿大除愛德華王子島的所有省份。食物百分之七十五以上為植物。目前主要生存在北美洲的各個國家公園和山區間。據估計,在人類未抵美洲前,曾有上百萬隻,全新世前一度減少到二十萬隻,現在大約已增加到六十萬隻。


American Black Bear (information from wikipedia)
The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is a medium-sized bear native to North America. It is the continent's smallest and most widely distributed bear species. Black bears are omnivores with their diets varying greatly depending on season and location. They typically live in largely forested areas, but do leave forests in search of food. Sometimes they become attracted to human communities because of the immediate availability of food. The American black bear is the world's most common bear species.

Although they live in North America, American black bears are not closely related to brown bears and polar bears; genetic studies reveal that they split from a common ancestor 5.05 million years ago. Both American and Asian black bears are considered sister taxa, and are more closely related to each other than to other species of bear. Reportedly, the Sun Bear is also a relatively recent split from this lineage.



