41-42. 漢諾威馬 (2009/2013)

品牌 (Brand):Schleich
出品年份 (Release Year):2009(公)/2013(母)
產品編號 (Item Number):13649(公)/ 13729(母)
尺寸 (Size):13 x 10cm(公)/ 14.2 x 10.7cm(母)
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤(公)/ ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤(母)
產地 (Original):德(DE)



它是徹徹底底的德國馬,起源於德國北部的下薩克森 (Lower Saxony) 地區,以前漢諾威王國的領土,在那裡已有超過四百年繁榮的育馬事業。1735年開始有官方的血統登記簿。三百年來為了不同的特定目的仔細的育種。它的原始血統還相當不討人喜歡,後來利用精挑細選的英國純血馬 (Thoroughbred) 與當地的母馬交配,以改良騎兵馬與農用馬的品質,後來漢諾威馬的培育目標多轉向馬術運動用的騎乘馬,逐漸的加入阿拉伯馬 (Arab) 與特雷克納馬 (Trakehner) 等血統,進而發展成現代的漢諾威馬。

Hanoverian horse (information from wikipedia)
A Hanoverian is a warmblood horse originating in Germany, which is often seen in the Olympic Games and other competitive English riding styles, and have won gold medals in all three equestrian Olympic competitions. It is one of the oldest, most numerous, and most successful of the warmbloods. Originally a carriage horse, infusions of Thoroughbred blood lightened it to make it more agile and useful for competition. The Hanoverian is known for a good temperament, athleticism, beauty, and grace.

The horses are elegant, strong, and robust. They are bred to be willing and trainable, and have a strong back, powerful body, athletic movement, and strong limbs. Chestnut, bay, brown, black, and gray are found the most often. Regulations prohibit horses with too much white, and buckskin, palomino and cremello horses from being registered.



