品牌 (Brand):Safari
出品年份 (Release Year):
產品編號 (Item Number):220029
尺寸 (Size):9.5cm x 6.5cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤
產地 (Original):美(USA)
白狼是我最喜歡的動物,給人一種冰清玉潔的夢幻感,Safari這款白狼背部為淺藍噴色 (有些人分享的版本顏色很明顯~~我手上這隻還好),大腿內側印有編號,這是safari旗下產品的特色,和Papo的恐怖爆炸毛白狼相較起來,實在是上相太多了。
北極狼 (資料來自於維基百科)
北極狼(學名:Canis lupus arctos),又稱白狼,是犬科的哺乳動物,也是灰狼的亞種,分佈於歐亞大陸北部、加拿大北部和格陵蘭北部。北極狼一般比灰狼小,連尾巴長約3至5尺,成年的北極狼僅高3英尺;雄性比雌性的體型要大。牠們肩膀的高度由25到31英寸不等;北極狼一般重逾100磅,一隻成熟的雄性甚至可重達175磅。
Arctic Wolf (information from wikipedia)
The arctic wolf (Canis lupus arctos), also called snow wolf or white wolf, is a subspecies of the gray wolf, a mammal of the family Canidae. Arctic wolves inhabit the Canadian Arctic, Alaska and the northern parts of Greenland. They also have white fur and long canine teeth for killing their prey. The arctic wolf inhabits the Canadian Arctic and the islands, parts of Alaska and northern parts of Greenland. Their habitat extends from 70° North latitude and higher. They have lived in North America for more than two million years. When they find a den, they make a couple of chambers for food and young. The arctic wolf is the only subspecies of the Gray Wolf that still can be found over the whole of its original range, largely because, in their natural habitat, they rarely encounter humans. The arctic wolf is also the only subspecies of wolf which is not threatened - their remote home means that they are relatively safe from man's activities, both in terms of hunting and habitat destruction.
The arctic wolf can withstand the arctic weather, with the help in their thoroughly insulated fur. They can survive in sub-zero temperatures for years, in absolute darkness for five months per year, and without food for weeks. Arctic Wolves usually travel in packs of 2 to 20. They live in small family groups: a breeding pair (alpha male and female) and their pups, or as baby wolves. The pack works together to feed and care for their pups. Lone arctic wolves are young males that have left their pack to seek their own territories. They avoid other wolves, unless they are able to mate. Having found an abandoned territory, a lone arctic wolf will claim it by marking the territory with its scent, then gather other lone wolves into its pack. When the female is pregnant, she leaves the pack to dig a den to raise her pups. If the ice is too thick, she will move to a den or cave to make it a home.
北極狼 (資料來自於維基百科)
北極狼(學名:Canis lupus arctos),又稱白狼,是犬科的哺乳動物,也是灰狼的亞種,分佈於歐亞大陸北部、加拿大北部和格陵蘭北部。北極狼一般比灰狼小,連尾巴長約3至5尺,成年的北極狼僅高3英尺;雄性比雌性的體型要大。牠們肩膀的高度由25到31英寸不等;北極狼一般重逾100磅,一隻成熟的雄性甚至可重達175磅。
Arctic Wolf (information from wikipedia)
The arctic wolf (Canis lupus arctos), also called snow wolf or white wolf, is a subspecies of the gray wolf, a mammal of the family Canidae. Arctic wolves inhabit the Canadian Arctic, Alaska and the northern parts of Greenland. They also have white fur and long canine teeth for killing their prey. The arctic wolf inhabits the Canadian Arctic and the islands, parts of Alaska and northern parts of Greenland. Their habitat extends from 70° North latitude and higher. They have lived in North America for more than two million years. When they find a den, they make a couple of chambers for food and young. The arctic wolf is the only subspecies of the Gray Wolf that still can be found over the whole of its original range, largely because, in their natural habitat, they rarely encounter humans. The arctic wolf is also the only subspecies of wolf which is not threatened - their remote home means that they are relatively safe from man's activities, both in terms of hunting and habitat destruction.
The arctic wolf can withstand the arctic weather, with the help in their thoroughly insulated fur. They can survive in sub-zero temperatures for years, in absolute darkness for five months per year, and without food for weeks. Arctic Wolves usually travel in packs of 2 to 20. They live in small family groups: a breeding pair (alpha male and female) and their pups, or as baby wolves. The pack works together to feed and care for their pups. Lone arctic wolves are young males that have left their pack to seek their own territories. They avoid other wolves, unless they are able to mate. Having found an abandoned territory, a lone arctic wolf will claim it by marking the territory with its scent, then gather other lone wolves into its pack. When the female is pregnant, she leaves the pack to dig a den to raise her pups. If the ice is too thick, she will move to a den or cave to make it a home.