13. 氂牛 (2010-2013)

出品年份 (Release Year):2010-2013(此款為舊版,已絕版)
產品編號 (Item Number):14616
尺寸 (Size):18.6cm x 8.8cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤
產地 (Original):德(DE)

已經由產線退役的犛牛,目測再過一陣子將會在線上引發炒價熱潮 (大多廠商手上還有庫存,想入手的人可考慮看看) ,S家牛族中毛最長的一款 (由上方角度看下去,牛身比較單薄),不同於以往大多人對犛牛黑黃毛的印象,噴色是由深灰到米白色漸層,牛角尖端為黑色,可能這種毛色的牛是犛牛和家牛的混種?所以白色的毛下有著黑灰色的皮膚。

氂牛 (資料來自於維基百科)


Yak (information from wikipedia)
The yak (Bos grunniens and Bos mutus) is a long-haired bovid found throughout the Himalayan region of south Central Asia, the Tibetan Plateau and as far north as Mongolia and Russia. Most yaks are domesticated yaks, Bos grunniens. There is also a small, vulnerable population of wild yaks, Bos mutus. In the 1990s, a concerted effort was undertaken to help save the wild yak population.

Yaks belong to the genus Bos, and are therefore related to cattle (Bos primigenius taurus, Bos primigenius indicus). Mitochondrial DNA analyses to determine the evolutionary history of yaks have been somewhat ambiguous. The yak may have diverged from cattle at any point between one and five million years ago, and there is some suggestion that it may be more closely related to bison than to the other members of its designated genus. Apparent close fossil relatives of the yak, such as Bos baikalensis, have been found in eastern Russia, suggesting a possible route by which yak-like ancestors of the modern American bison could have entered the Americas.



