17. 夏洛來母牛 (2006-2010)

品牌 (Brand):Schleich
出品年份 (Release Year):2006-2010(此款為舊版,已絕版)
產品編號 (Item Number):13610
尺寸 (Size):14cm x 9.6cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤
產地 (Original):德(DE)


夏洛來牛 (資料來自於維基百科)
夏洛來牛 (法語:Charolaise) ,是一種發源於法國夏洛來省的家牛品種。這是一種著名的肉用牛類,其全身呈白色,世界上許多國家都進行了引進。這種牛肉質出眾,其與安格斯牛和海福特牛的雜交品種更是高品質。該品種肌肉發達,公牛重達1100千克 (2,400磅) 和母牛重量可達900公斤 (2000磅)。1940年代,該品種引入美國南部。1960年代引入美國北部。它在美國很受歡迎,該品種紅肉更多,脂肪較少。

Charolais cattle (information from wikipedia)
Charolais cattle are a beef breed of cattle (Bos taurus) which originated in Charolais, around Charolles, in France. They are raised for their meat and are known for their composite qualities when crossed with other breeds, most notably Angus and Hereford cattle. The breed was introduced in the southern US as early as the 1940s it was the 1st herd in the USA then the 2nd herd was introduced in the north in the 1960s It was the first popular breed after the English breeds and Brahmans. It was known to produce beef animals that had more red meat and less fat. The breed was often crossed with English breeds.

The coat is almost pure white. The Australian and Canadian breed standards also recognise cattle possessing a light red colour called 'Red Factor' Charolais. The term Charbray refers to the offspring of Charolais crossed with Brahmans and is recognised as a breed in its own right.



