27. 西表山貓幼仔 (2004)

品牌 (Brand):Kaiyodo (海洋堂)
系列 (Series):Choco Q Animatales Series 8 Iriomote cat (Choco Q 日本動物第8彈)
出品年份 (Release Year):2004
產品編號 (Item Number):QN8-202
尺寸 (Size):cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤
產地 (Original):日(JP)


西表山貓 (資料來自於維基百科)
西表山貓 (日語:西表山猫,學名:P. iriomotensis) ,又稱西表貓,是棲息在日本琉球列島八重山群島中西表島上的一種貓科動物,是日本的特有種,曾被認為是豹貓 (P. bengalensis) 的亞種。在當地的方言中,西表山貓被稱作「ヤママヤー」(山裡的貓)、「ピンギーマヤー」(逃走的貓)及「ヤマピカリャー」,可以得知西表山貓並不是由家貓野生化而成的野貓。1965年3月,動物作家戶川幸夫收集到了西表山貓的頭骨及毛皮標本,並進行相關研究。1967年捕獲了野生個體 (公、母貓各一) 。同年,日本國立科學博物館館長今泉吉典,將西表山貓作為新品種命名,在學會上發表。在當時,前一次發現野生貓的新品種已是70年前的事情,因此這被當作20世紀生物學上最大的發現。而西表島的面積只有約290平方公里,這也是世界上有山貓存在的島嶼中最小的。


Iriomote cat (information from wikipedia)
RThe Iriomote cat (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis) is a subspecies of the leopard cat that lives exclusively on the Japanese island of Iriomote. It has been classified as Critically Endangered by IUCN since 2008, as the population size is fewer than 250, is declining, and consists of a single subpopulation. As of 2007, there are an estimated 100–109 individuals remaining.

The Iriomote cat is indigenous to the Japanese island of Iriomote, which spans about 290 square kilometers.The cats are predominantly found in the subtropical forests that cover the island, no higher than 200 meters above sea level, and prefer areas near rivers, forest edges, and places with low humidity. Iriomote cats are terrestrial, but climb trees, go into the water and also swim.[12][15] They are nocturnal and especially active during twilight hours. During the daytime, they sleep in tree hollows or in caves. They mark their territory by urinating and defecating on rocks, tree stumps and bushes. Their home ranges vary from 1 to 7 km2 (0.39 to 2.7 sq mi) big.



