47. 對馬山貓 (2001)

品牌 (Brand):Kaiyodo (海洋堂)
系列 (Series):Choco Egg Pet Animal Series 5 Tsushima Leopard Cat (巧克力蛋寵物第5彈)
出品年份 (Release Year):2001
產品編號 (Item Number):121
尺寸 (Size):6.8cm x 2.8cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤
產地 (Original):日(JP)


對馬山貓 (資料來自於維基百科)
對馬山貓(Prionailurus bengalensis euptailurus)只生存在對馬海峽的對馬島上,數量已經很少,在1997年估計只有70-90隻。對馬山貓最初被認為是另一個種,後來被歸為豹貓的亞種,現在認為是中國東北地區豹貓的一個亞種。

Tsushima Leopard Cat (information from Tsushima Island)
Tsushima Leopard Cats inhabit only the island of Tsushima. They are about the same size as domestic cats; however, the differences are that Tsushima cats have stripes on the middle of their forehead and have rounded ears with white spots on the back. They were designated as a national natural treasure in 1971. Tsushima cats are also listed as endangered species.

During the 1960~1963 investigation, there were 250~300 Tsushima cats living in Tsushima. However, the number has decreased to 80~100 today. Such reasons are: decrease in habitat availability, traffic accidents, and infectious diseases from domestic cats.



