18. 大肚豬 (1998-2000)

品牌 (Brand):Schleich
出品年份 (Release Year):1998-2000(此款為舊版,已絕版)
產品編號 (Item Number):13239
尺寸 (Size):8cm x cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤
產地 (Original):德(DE)

這頭大肥豬的身價在網拍上炒的火熱,外國購物網甚至飆到千元一頭,垂掛的大肚囊和瞇成一條縫的小眼睛非常逗趣,早期的產品在塗裝上雖然不如近年新品來的精緻,也別有特色 (此豬2014年重新登場,實品比舊款豬還小一倍)。

大肚豬 (資料來自於維基百科)


Pot-bellied pig (information from wikipedia)
The pot-bellied pig is a breed of domesticated pig originating in Vietnam.

Considerably smaller than standard American or European farm pigs, most adult pot-bellied pigs are about the size of a medium- or large-breed dog, though their bodies are denser at 8 to 136 kg (20 to 300 lb). There is a dispute between pig breeders and pig advocates over what the appropriate minimum weight of a healthy adult pot-bellied pig should be, with some advocates claiming that a pig under approximately 60 pounds would be severely malnourished or dangerously stunted, and some breeders claiming that it is possible to selectively breed a pig that will reach a healthy optimal weight at 20 - 30 pounds. Fat rolls over the eyes or a belly that touches the ground are visual indicators that a pig is overweight. In a pig of normal weight, hip bones can easily be felt with minimal pressure and the eyes (whole socket) should be easily visible. Pot-bellied pigs can be easily discerned from other pig breeds by their size, upright ears, and straight tail. Not all pure sub-species have a pot belly and a swayed back.



