10-11. 大黑馬羚 (2012)

品牌 (Brand):CollectA
出品年份 (Release Year):2012
產品編號 (Item Number):88564(公)/ 88578(母)
尺寸 (Size):10.5cm X 11.5cm(公)/ 12.5cm X 10cm(母)
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤(公)/ ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤(母)
產地 (Original):英(EN)


大黑馬羚 (資料來自於維基百科)
大黑馬羚 (學名:Hippotragus niger variani),或稱作安哥拉大貂羚,是黑馬羚三個亞種中的其中一種,是安哥拉的特有亞種,僅在庫安都河 (Cuando River) 域繁殖生活。大黑馬羚在安哥拉是一種崇高的動物,是這個國家的象徵。


大黑馬羚是安哥拉的國家象徵,其圖像印在這個國家為數眾多的郵票、鈔票,甚至是國家的護照上。大黑馬羚在安哥拉是一種崇高的動物,當地政府及人民都對它十分崇敬,這也幫助它熬過近30年內戰。安哥拉國家足球隊的綽號就是大黑馬羚 (葡萄牙語:Palancas Negras),球隊的標誌也印上了大黑馬羚的側影。與其他羚羊一樣,黑馬羚在非洲神話中代表有生氣、敏捷、優美而且漂亮。

Giant sable antelope (information from wikipedia)
The giant sable antelope, (Hippotragus niger variani), also known in Portuguese as the palanca-negra-gigante, is a large, rare subspecies of sable antelope native and endemic to the region between the Cuango and Luando Rivers in Angola. The giant sable antelope is the national symbol of Angola, and is held in a great regard by its people. This was perhaps one of the reasons the animals survived the long civil war. In African mythology, just like other antelopes, they symbolize vivacity, velocity, beauty and visual sharpness.

Like all antelopes, giant sables are shy by nature, but they can also be very aggressive. The males can be especially dangerous when hurt, attacked, or approached. In fights, males avoid some serious injuries by kneeling down on their front legs, and engage in horn-wrestling fights. Fatalities from these fights are rare.



