16. 山羌 (2003)

品牌 (Brand):Kaiyodo (海洋堂)
系列 (Series):Choco Q Animatales Series 7 Reeves's Muntjac (Choco Q 日本動物第7彈)
出品年份 (Release Year):2003
產品編號 (Item Number):QN7-183
尺寸 (Size):4.5cm x 3cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤
產地 (Original):日(JP)


山羌 (資料來自於維基百科)

山羌自然分布於華中、華南地區與臺灣,另外也有人為引入的族群分布於日 (房總半島、伊豆大島) 及英國 (德比郡以南) 等地;由低海拔到海拔3,000公尺都有分佈,從闊葉林及水源處也可找到牠們。許多人會將山羌與赤麂混淆,甚至誤將兩者視為同一種動物,但其實不然。事實上山羌和赤麂是不同品種,兩者外形很相似,山羌身形較小,膚色由黃色至棕色都有;赤麂身形較龐大,一般呈紅棕色。

Reeves's Muntjac (information from wikipedia)
Reeves's muntjac is a muntjac species found widely in southeastern China (Gansu to Yunnan) and in Taiwan. They have also been introduced in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom (south England, the Midlands, and east Wales) and Ireland by 2008. It feeds on herbs, blossoms, succulent shoots, grasses and nuts, and was also reported to eat trees. It takes its name from John Reeves, who was appointed Assistant Inspector of Tea for the British East India Company in 1812.

Reeves's muntjac is also called the barking deer, known for its distinctive bark, though this name is also used for the other species of muntjacs. The male has short antlers, usually four inches or less, and uses them to push enemies off balance so he can wound them with his upper two inch canine teeth.



