品牌 (Brand):Schleich
出品年份 (Release Year):2013(沒絕版但塗裝有調整)
產品編號 (Item Number):14678(公)/ 14679(母)/ 14680(仔)
尺寸 (Size):6.5cm x 5.5cm(公)/ 5cm x 5.5cm(母)/ 5.5cm x 6cm(仔)
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤(公)/ ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤(母)/ ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤(仔)
產地 (Original):英(EN)
Schleich當年度最棒的新品野生動物獎,我要頒發給黑猩猩家族 (實際野生動物中我最不喜歡的反倒是猿類耶!),一家子神態各不同相當有趣:兇神惡煞的公猩猩,抱著小baby表情充滿母愛的母猩猩,猩猩嬰兒的五官和手腳指也精確刻劃出來,無奈眼神微透露出驚恐的小猩猩哥哥 (姐姐?),3隻排在一起精緻度大幅提升。
黑猩猩(學名:Pan troglodytes)是黑猩猩屬下的兩個物種之一,另一種是倭黑猩猩(P. paniscus)。根據黑猩猩基因組計劃的研究結果,黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩與人類具有較高的基因相似度,與人類有最近的共同祖先,按演化論按序可以算是人類最近的"姊妹"。黑猩猩的生活範圍在非洲西部及中部,英文名Chimpanzee在非洲土語中意指「小精靈」,屬於哺乳綱靈長目,平日成群地生活,每個群體就像一個部落。
Chimpanzee (information from wikipedia)
Chimpanzees are members of the Hominidae family, along with gorillas, humans, and orangutans. Chimpanzees split from the human branch of the family about four to six million years ago. Chimpanzees are the closest living relatives to humans, being members of the Hominini tribe (along with extinct species of Hominina subtribe). Chimpanzees are the only known members of the Panina subtribe. The two Pan species split only about one million years ago.
Anatomical differences between the common chimpanzee and the bonobo are slight, but sexual and social behaviors are markedly different. The common chimpanzee has an omnivorous diet, a troop hunting culture based on beta males led by an alpha male, and highly complex social relationships. The bonobo, on the other hand, has a mostly frugivorous diet and an egalitarian, nonviolent, matriarchal, sexually receptive behavior. Bonobos frequently have sex, sometimes to help prevent and resolve conflicts. Different groups of chimpanzees also have different cultural behavior with preferences for types of tools. The common chimpanzee tends to display greater aggression than does the bonobo.
黑猩猩(學名:Pan troglodytes)是黑猩猩屬下的兩個物種之一,另一種是倭黑猩猩(P. paniscus)。根據黑猩猩基因組計劃的研究結果,黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩與人類具有較高的基因相似度,與人類有最近的共同祖先,按演化論按序可以算是人類最近的"姊妹"。黑猩猩的生活範圍在非洲西部及中部,英文名Chimpanzee在非洲土語中意指「小精靈」,屬於哺乳綱靈長目,平日成群地生活,每個群體就像一個部落。
Chimpanzee (information from wikipedia)
Chimpanzees are members of the Hominidae family, along with gorillas, humans, and orangutans. Chimpanzees split from the human branch of the family about four to six million years ago. Chimpanzees are the closest living relatives to humans, being members of the Hominini tribe (along with extinct species of Hominina subtribe). Chimpanzees are the only known members of the Panina subtribe. The two Pan species split only about one million years ago.
Anatomical differences between the common chimpanzee and the bonobo are slight, but sexual and social behaviors are markedly different. The common chimpanzee has an omnivorous diet, a troop hunting culture based on beta males led by an alpha male, and highly complex social relationships. The bonobo, on the other hand, has a mostly frugivorous diet and an egalitarian, nonviolent, matriarchal, sexually receptive behavior. Bonobos frequently have sex, sometimes to help prevent and resolve conflicts. Different groups of chimpanzees also have different cultural behavior with preferences for types of tools. The common chimpanzee tends to display greater aggression than does the bonobo.