14. 公彎角劍羚 (2013)

品牌 (Brand):CollectA
出品年份 (Release Year):2013
產品編號 (Item Number):88637
尺寸 (Size):12.4cm X 10cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤
產地 (Original):英(EN)

2013羚羊系列在我心目中的排名如下:印度黑羚>中南大羚>彎角劍羚,當初官圖發佈時,這隻彎角劍羚原本是我最期盼的新品,拿到實品時感覺略有落差 (雖然也算水準之作) ,蹄部深灰色的塗裝和紅棕色的體毛搭起來有點突兀。

彎角劍羚 (資料來自於維基百科)
彎角劍羚 (Oryx dammah) ,又名白長角羚及白劍羚,是長角羚屬的一種,生活於整個北非地區。一般認為彎角劍羚已經在野外滅絕,但有報導稱小部份仍在尼日中部及乍德生存。



Scimitar-Horned Oryx (information from wikipedia)
The scimitar oryx or scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah), also known as the Sahara oryx, is a species of Oryx now extinct in the wild. It formerly inhabited all of North Africa. It has a long taxonomic history since its discovery in 1816 by Lorenz Oken, who named it the Oryx algazel. This spiral-horned antelope stands a little more than 1 metre (3.3 ft) at the shoulder. The males weigh 140–210 kg (310–460 lb) and the females weigh 91–140 kg (200–310 lb). The coat is white with a red-brown chest and black markings on the forehead and down the length of the nose. The calves are born with a yellow coat, and the distinguishing marks are initially absent. The coats change to adult coloration at 3–12 months old.

The scimitar oryx formed herds of mixed sexes of up to 70 members, usually guided by the bulls. They inhabited semideserts and deserts and were adapted to live in the extreme heat, with their efficient cooling mechanism and very low requirement of water. Scimitar oryx feed on foliage, grasses, succulent plants and plant parts during the night or early morning. Births peak between March and October. After a gestation of eight to nine months, one calf is born. Soon after, the female has a postpartum estrus.



