02. 公印度黑羚 (2013)

品牌 (Brand):CollectA
出品年份 (Release Year):2013
產品編號 (Item Number):88638
尺寸 (Size):8.4 cm X 7.9cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤
產地 (Original):英(EN)


I love this tiny blackbuck figure, the graceful moves display the body in the most elegant and beautiful post with steps and long legs, a great artwork and well priced to boot.

印度黑羚 (資料來自於維基百科)

不經常與其他動物結群。雨季群體主要為三種:一隻羚羊 (成年或亞成年都有可能。單獨雌性時有可能帶著寶寶);一隻成年雄性羚羊與許多成年雌性羚羊;5隻~20隻單身的亞成年組成的。旱季則結合成一體。很少與其他羚羊交往。 性機敏,智力很高。擅長跑跳。主要以草本植物為食,兼食樹葉。每年春初交配,求偶爭鬥激烈,常常有羚羊被頂死。孕期為6個月,每產1~2仔,1~2歲性成熟,壽命約15年。

Blackbuck (information from wikipedia)
The blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) is an ungulate species of antelope native to the Indian Subcontinent that has been classified as near threatened by IUCN since 2003, as its range has decreased sharply during the 20th century. The native population is stable, with an estimated 50,000 individuals. The blackbuck is the only living species of the genus Antilope. Its generic name stems from the Latin word antalopus, a horned animal. The specific name cervicapra is composed of the Latin words capra, she-goat and cervus, deer.

Blackbucks generally live on open plains in herds of 5 to 50 animals with one dominant male. They are very fast. Speeds of more than 80 km/h (50 mph) have been recorded. They are primarily grazers and avoid forested areas. They require water every day and may move long distances in search of water and forage in summer. Usually, they feed during the day. Their diet consists mostly of grasses, but they have occasionally been observed browsing on acacia trees in the Cholistan Desert. In the Velavadar National Park, they were observed feeding on pods of Prosopis juliflora during seasonal lows in forage quality. Their chief predator was the now extinct Asiatic cheetah. Currently, wolves are the main predators of both fawns and adults. Fawns are also hunted by jackals. Village dogs are reported to kill fawns but are unlikely to successfully hunt and kill adults. The maximum life span recorded is 16 years and the average is 12 years.



