品牌 (Brand):Schleich
出品年份 (Release Year):2011-2013(已絕版)
產品編號 (Item Number):13690
尺寸 (Size):12 x 11cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤
產地 (Original):德(DE)
這匹體型非常削瘦的馬是s家名馬系列中少數頭身比例比較接近真馬的一款,收藏者各方評價可謂好壞參雜 (有些人覺得牠太瘦),就以個人觀感看來,牠是除了漢諾威馬之外我最喜歡的一匹,細長的腿與歷歷可見的肋骨,看起來非常優雅,風格獨出。
有關阿克哈-塔克馬起源的英文數據非常的少,這些為數很少的英文數據並不太可靠。其中關於它的起源,有些資料說它產於俄羅斯,其實不然。也有人將他歸類在溫血馬,其實它應該和阿拉伯馬 (Arabian) 與英國純血馬(Thoroughbred)一樣是熱血馬,而且更古老的阿克哈-塔克馬對溫血馬的影響應該更大。阿克哈-塔克馬是唯一保留古老的土庫曼馬 (Turkmene) 純正血統的後裔,這延續祖先香火的馬,在不同的時代有不同的名字。馬沙蓋特馬 (Massaget)、巴底亞馬 (Parthian)、尼西馬 (Nisean)、波斯馬 (Persian)、土庫曼馬 (Turkmene)、最後叫做阿克哈-塔克馬。在土庫曼南方挖掘到公元前2400年前的馬骨骸,就有類似的高大完美的骨骼。三千年前在需要快速度的戰場上,就有用到和現在的阿克哈-塔克馬樣子非常接近的戰馬。「阿克哈-塔克」這個名字只能追溯到十九世紀末,它是由兩個字組成的:阿克哈 (Akhal) 是一條長長的綠洲,躺在KopetDagMountains的山腳下 (這裡曾是古代波斯帝國的一部分,現在是土庫曼),塔克(Teke)是個游牧民族的稱呼,在他們入侵土庫曼游牧民族佔領了這片綠洲之後,騎了好幾個世紀的土庫曼馬。
地理因素深遠的造就了阿克哈-塔克馬這個獨特的品種。戰爭、侵略、貿易等來來去去的人潮與馬潮遍佈於中亞的歷史,但卻往往繞過阿克哈綠洲。西邊有裏海 (CaspianSea),南邊有山,北邊有沙漠,是塔克族人的天然屏障,也造就了他們引以為傲的馬的穩定基因。多沙的KaraKum沙漠涵蓋土庫曼90%的面積,變化多端的氣候,酷熱與酷寒,使得他演化成世界上最堅忍、最有耐力的馬之一。
Akhal-Teke horse (information from wikipedia)
The Akhal-Teke (/ˌækəlˈtɛk/ or /ˌækəlˈtɛki/; from Turkmen Ahalteke, [ahalˈteke]) is a horse breed from Turkmenistan, where they are a national emblem. They have a reputation for speed and endurance, intelligence, and a distinctive metallic sheen. The shiny coat of palominos and buckskins led to their nickname "Golden Horses". These horses are adapted to severe climatic conditions and are thought to be one of the oldest extant horse breeds. There are currently about 6,600 Akhal-Tekes in the world, mostly in Turkmenistan and Russia, although they are also found throughout Europe and North America.
There are several theories regarding the original ancestry of the Akhal-Teke, some dating back thousands of years. The tribes of Turkmenistan selectively bred the horses, recording their pedigrees orally and using them for raiding. The breed was used in the losing fight against the Russian Empire, and was subsumed into the Empire along with its country. The Akhal-Teke has influenced many other breeds, including several Russian breeds. There has also been some crossbreeding with the Thoroughbred to create a fast, long-distance racehorse, but the resulting horses did not have the endurance of the purebred Akhal-Teke. The studbook was closed in 1932 The Russians printed the first stud book for the breed in 1941, including over 700 horses.
有關阿克哈-塔克馬起源的英文數據非常的少,這些為數很少的英文數據並不太可靠。其中關於它的起源,有些資料說它產於俄羅斯,其實不然。也有人將他歸類在溫血馬,其實它應該和阿拉伯馬 (Arabian) 與英國純血馬(Thoroughbred)一樣是熱血馬,而且更古老的阿克哈-塔克馬對溫血馬的影響應該更大。阿克哈-塔克馬是唯一保留古老的土庫曼馬 (Turkmene) 純正血統的後裔,這延續祖先香火的馬,在不同的時代有不同的名字。馬沙蓋特馬 (Massaget)、巴底亞馬 (Parthian)、尼西馬 (Nisean)、波斯馬 (Persian)、土庫曼馬 (Turkmene)、最後叫做阿克哈-塔克馬。在土庫曼南方挖掘到公元前2400年前的馬骨骸,就有類似的高大完美的骨骼。三千年前在需要快速度的戰場上,就有用到和現在的阿克哈-塔克馬樣子非常接近的戰馬。「阿克哈-塔克」這個名字只能追溯到十九世紀末,它是由兩個字組成的:阿克哈 (Akhal) 是一條長長的綠洲,躺在KopetDagMountains的山腳下 (這裡曾是古代波斯帝國的一部分,現在是土庫曼),塔克(Teke)是個游牧民族的稱呼,在他們入侵土庫曼游牧民族佔領了這片綠洲之後,騎了好幾個世紀的土庫曼馬。
地理因素深遠的造就了阿克哈-塔克馬這個獨特的品種。戰爭、侵略、貿易等來來去去的人潮與馬潮遍佈於中亞的歷史,但卻往往繞過阿克哈綠洲。西邊有裏海 (CaspianSea),南邊有山,北邊有沙漠,是塔克族人的天然屏障,也造就了他們引以為傲的馬的穩定基因。多沙的KaraKum沙漠涵蓋土庫曼90%的面積,變化多端的氣候,酷熱與酷寒,使得他演化成世界上最堅忍、最有耐力的馬之一。
Akhal-Teke horse (information from wikipedia)
The Akhal-Teke (/ˌækəlˈtɛk/ or /ˌækəlˈtɛki/; from Turkmen Ahalteke, [ahalˈteke]) is a horse breed from Turkmenistan, where they are a national emblem. They have a reputation for speed and endurance, intelligence, and a distinctive metallic sheen. The shiny coat of palominos and buckskins led to their nickname "Golden Horses". These horses are adapted to severe climatic conditions and are thought to be one of the oldest extant horse breeds. There are currently about 6,600 Akhal-Tekes in the world, mostly in Turkmenistan and Russia, although they are also found throughout Europe and North America.
There are several theories regarding the original ancestry of the Akhal-Teke, some dating back thousands of years. The tribes of Turkmenistan selectively bred the horses, recording their pedigrees orally and using them for raiding. The breed was used in the losing fight against the Russian Empire, and was subsumed into the Empire along with its country. The Akhal-Teke has influenced many other breeds, including several Russian breeds. There has also been some crossbreeding with the Thoroughbred to create a fast, long-distance racehorse, but the resulting horses did not have the endurance of the purebred Akhal-Teke. The studbook was closed in 1932 The Russians printed the first stud book for the breed in 1941, including over 700 horses.