19. 雄鴛鴦 (2003)

品牌 (Brand):Kaiyodo (海洋堂)
系列 (Series):Choco Q Animatales Series 7 Mandarin Duck Bird (Choco Q 日本動物第7彈,)
出品年份 (Release Year)2003
產品編號 (Item Number):QN7-188
尺寸 (Size):
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤
產地 (Original):日(JP)


鴛鴦 (資料來自於維基百科)
鴛鴦 (學名:Aix galericula),又名烏仁哈欽、官鴨、匹鳥、鄧木鳥,是經常出現在中國古代文學作品和神話傳説中的鳥類。鴛指雄鳥,鴦指雌鳥。鴛鴦在動物分類學上屬於雁形目鴨科鴛鴦屬。棲息於溪流、沼澤、湖泊等處;常見於闊葉樹林環繞的沼澤、蘆葦叢生的水面。白天常在水面中心處漂浮遊盪,夜間常在闊葉樹林中活動,晨昏常在水田和岸邊的沼澤地活動。


Mandarin Duck Bird (information from wikipedia)
The Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata), or just Mandarin, is a medium-sized, East Asian perching duck, closely related to the North American Wood Duck.The adult male is a striking and unmistakable bird. It has a red bill, large white crescent above the eye and reddish face and "whiskers". The breast is purple with two vertical white bars, and the flanks ruddy, with two orange "sails" at the back. The female is similar to female Wood Duck, with a white eye-ring and stripe running back from the eye, but is paler below, has a small white flank stripe, and a pale tip to its bill. The Mandarin ducklings are almost identical in look to Wood ducklings, and appear very similar to Mallard ducklings. The ducklings can be distinguished from Mallard ducklings because the eye-stripe of Mandarin ducklings (and Wood ducklings) stops at the eye, while in Mallard ducklings it reaches all the way to the bill.

There are various mutations of the Mandarin Duck found in captivity. The most common is the white Mandarin Duck. Although the origin of this mutation is unknown, it is presumed that the constant pairing of related birds and selective breeding led to recessive gene combinations leading to genetic conditions including albinism.



