品牌 (Brand):Good Smile Company - Dokidoki Animal Series (心跳動物系列)
出品年份 (Release Year):2010
尺寸 (Size):17.5cm x 16.5cm x 8.5cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤
產地 (Original):日(JP)
馬來貘和貓熊一樣黑白分明,似豬似象,臉上掛著長長的鼻子,肥碩的屁股走路時搖來搖去,是讓人印象深刻的動物。Phat Company 出品的馬來貊相較於和其它品牌的貘雖然體型偏大,但絕對精品,那雙帶紅血絲的眼睛特寫實,貘身黑色部位噴色偏紫紅灰,和它牌比起來容易掉漆,建議入手者要好好保管。如同大部份絕版商品,網拍尚有少許店家有販售,價格不漂亮。
馬來貘 (資料來自於維基百科)
馬來貘 (學名:Tapirus indicus) 又叫亞洲貘、印度貘,是貘屬下的一個種,屬於奇蹄目貘科。馬來貘為中大型哺乳動物,前肢有四趾,後肢有三趾。一般而言,馬來貘體長為1.8至2.4公尺之間,站立高度有90至110厘米高,成體重量約在250至320公斤之間,有些特例可以長到410公斤那麼重;雌性的馬來貘通常比雄性的體型來得大,身體渾圓可愛,皮厚毛硬,全身除中後段有如穿著肚兜、包著尿布的白色體毛外,其牠部位皆呈黑色。小貘出生時,身體有條紋狀的保護色、棕毛。其貌「似豬不是豬、似象不是象」,故也有古書稱之「四不像」
馬來貘分布於東南亞的馬來半島、蘇門答臘、泰國、柬埔寨和緬甸,生活在低海拔的熱帶雨林。因此,在人類的伐木及開發熱帶雨林林地以作為農工用地之時,便造成了馬來貘棲地破壞、無法生存的後果。目前,全球各地的馬來貘數目約有3200隻,其中約有200隻是在動物園內飼養,約3000隻是在野外生存。1994年,世界自然保護聯盟將牠們列入瀕危物種紅色名錄之中,等級是VU (即易危物種) ,與環尾狐猴及大白鯊等獲同級保育。貘具有長長的鼻子,鼻子相當敏銳,可以偵測食物、危險,也可以在水裡伸出鼻子呼吸,由於視力不好,平常以聽覺及嗅覺為主,當馬來貘受到威脅時,牠可以拔腿就跑,若是跑得不夠快,還可以躲到水裡,伸出鼻子,其實牠們也可以靠有力的下顎及尖銳的牙齒來保衛自己。
Malayan tapir (information from wikipedia)
The Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus), also called the Asian tapir, is the largest of the five species of tapir and the only one native to Asia. The scientific name refers to the East Indies, the species' natural habitat. In the Malay language, the tapir is commonly referred to as cipan, tenuk or badak tampung.The animal is easily identified by its markings, most notably the light-colored patch which extends from its shoulders to its rear end. The rest of its hair is black, except for the tips of its ears, which, as with other tapirs, are rimmed with white. This pattern is for camouflage; the disrupted coloration makes it more difficult to recognize it as a tapir, and other animals may mistake it for a large rock rather than prey when it is lying down to sleep.
Malayan tapirs have very poor eyesight, making them rely greatly on their excellent sense of smell and hearing to go about in their everyday lives. They have small, beady eyes with brown irises on either side of their faces. Their eyes are often covered in a blue haze, which is corneal cloudiness thought to be caused by repetitive exposure to light. Corneal cloudiness is when the cornea starts to lose its transparency. The cornea is necessary for the transmitting and focusing of outside light as it enters the eye, and cloudiness can cause vision loss. This causes the Malayan tapir to have very inadequate vision, both on land and in water, where they spend the majority of their time. Also, as these tapirs are most active at night and since they have poor eyesight, it is harder for them to search for food and avoid predators in the dark.
馬來貘 (資料來自於維基百科)
馬來貘 (學名:Tapirus indicus) 又叫亞洲貘、印度貘,是貘屬下的一個種,屬於奇蹄目貘科。馬來貘為中大型哺乳動物,前肢有四趾,後肢有三趾。一般而言,馬來貘體長為1.8至2.4公尺之間,站立高度有90至110厘米高,成體重量約在250至320公斤之間,有些特例可以長到410公斤那麼重;雌性的馬來貘通常比雄性的體型來得大,身體渾圓可愛,皮厚毛硬,全身除中後段有如穿著肚兜、包著尿布的白色體毛外,其牠部位皆呈黑色。小貘出生時,身體有條紋狀的保護色、棕毛。其貌「似豬不是豬、似象不是象」,故也有古書稱之「四不像」
馬來貘分布於東南亞的馬來半島、蘇門答臘、泰國、柬埔寨和緬甸,生活在低海拔的熱帶雨林。因此,在人類的伐木及開發熱帶雨林林地以作為農工用地之時,便造成了馬來貘棲地破壞、無法生存的後果。目前,全球各地的馬來貘數目約有3200隻,其中約有200隻是在動物園內飼養,約3000隻是在野外生存。1994年,世界自然保護聯盟將牠們列入瀕危物種紅色名錄之中,等級是VU (即易危物種) ,與環尾狐猴及大白鯊等獲同級保育。貘具有長長的鼻子,鼻子相當敏銳,可以偵測食物、危險,也可以在水裡伸出鼻子呼吸,由於視力不好,平常以聽覺及嗅覺為主,當馬來貘受到威脅時,牠可以拔腿就跑,若是跑得不夠快,還可以躲到水裡,伸出鼻子,其實牠們也可以靠有力的下顎及尖銳的牙齒來保衛自己。
Malayan tapir (information from wikipedia)
The Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus), also called the Asian tapir, is the largest of the five species of tapir and the only one native to Asia. The scientific name refers to the East Indies, the species' natural habitat. In the Malay language, the tapir is commonly referred to as cipan, tenuk or badak tampung.The animal is easily identified by its markings, most notably the light-colored patch which extends from its shoulders to its rear end. The rest of its hair is black, except for the tips of its ears, which, as with other tapirs, are rimmed with white. This pattern is for camouflage; the disrupted coloration makes it more difficult to recognize it as a tapir, and other animals may mistake it for a large rock rather than prey when it is lying down to sleep.
Malayan tapirs have very poor eyesight, making them rely greatly on their excellent sense of smell and hearing to go about in their everyday lives. They have small, beady eyes with brown irises on either side of their faces. Their eyes are often covered in a blue haze, which is corneal cloudiness thought to be caused by repetitive exposure to light. Corneal cloudiness is when the cornea starts to lose its transparency. The cornea is necessary for the transmitting and focusing of outside light as it enters the eye, and cloudiness can cause vision loss. This causes the Malayan tapir to have very inadequate vision, both on land and in water, where they spend the majority of their time. Also, as these tapirs are most active at night and since they have poor eyesight, it is harder for them to search for food and avoid predators in the dark.