38. 西班牙鬥牛 (2013)

品牌 (Brand):Schleich
出品年份 (Release Year):2013
產品編號 (Item Number):13722
尺寸 (Size):14cm x 8cm
喜愛程度(10為滿分):❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤
產地 (Original):德(DE)

西門塔爾牛如果是摔跤選手的話,那麼2013出品的西班牙鬥牛就是劍客,Schleich雖然沒有清楚標註出這頭黑公牛的品種,但是官網特別標明了"黑公牛是西班牙的代表動物",由此可推測牠應該就是大家所熟悉的西班牙鬥牛,S家2013有蹄動物的塗裝做了許多調整,其中最明顯的就是蹄紋的上色層次更細緻,此牛造型設計也加入了過去比較少見的鼻環做配件 (鼻環是固定的),牛角紋路也相當出色。

西班牙鬥牛 (資料來自於維基百科)
西班牙鬥牛(西班牙語:Toro de lidia),是西班牙鬥牛業所開發出來專門用於同鬥牛士角斗的家牛品種。這一品種體格強壯、生性兇猛,在其生長過程中經過了精心訓練

Spanish Fighting Bull (information from wikipedia)
The Spanish Fighting Bull (Toro Bravo, toro de lidia, toro lidiado, ganado bravo, Touro de Lide) is an Iberian heterogeneous cattle population. It is primarily bred free-range on extensive estates in Southern Spain, Portugal and Latin American countries where bull fighting is organized. Fighting bulls are selected primarily for a certain combination of aggression, energy, strength, and stamina.

The fighting bull is characterized by its aggressive behavior, especially when solitary or unable to flee. Many are colored black or dark brown, but other colorations are normal. They reach maturity slower than meat breeds as they were not selected to be heavy, having instead a well-muscled "athletic" look, with a prominent morillo, a complex of muscles over the shoulder and neck which gives the bull its distinctive profile and strength with its horns. The horns are longer than in most other breeds and are also present in both males and females.



